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I am both deeply saddened and infuriated by the words and actions of many right wing southerners. Their are constantly referring t their heritage, as though their very beings were predetermined by the culture and practices of the Confederacy and Jim Crow era.That is not true. Their racism, ethnocentrism bigotry, xenophobia, and claims of white privilege are of their own choosing, And the responsibility for the effects of those rests with them, not predecessors.

I was a white man also born and raised in he deep South -- south Georgia and north Florida. I know the belief structure of he Confederacy and the Jim Crow era all too well, and have relatives who profess o have been predetermined by that curse of culture. But, I I deliberately and emphatically state that is not my heritage.

Instead, I stand with those in the past and present who stand for (1) constitutional democracy that truly seeks to be government of, by, and for ALL of our people. (2) the exercise of reason based on facts , proven truth, and critical thinking (3) treatment of ALL people with dignity and respect. (4) . Freedom with responsibility and ruled by moral judgment, (5) the pursuit of equal opportunity, the obligation of all of our people to act toward making our country the best and most responsible it can be. Accordingly, I will always be both a critic of our imperfect country and a protector of its ideals.

wordywalt 9 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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A very good piece.
"(1) constitutional democracy that truly seeks to be government of, by, and for ALL of our people. (2) the exercise of reason based on facts , proven truth, and critical thinking (3) treatment of ALL people with dignity and respect. (4) . Freedom with responsibility and ruled by moral judgment, (5) the pursuit of equal opportunity, the obligation of all of our people to act toward making our country the best and most responsible it can be."

Can I suggest 2 additions to you list
An appreciation of what it means to be agnostic about god
An appreciation of basic science as a means of knowing anything.

You would not be here in this forum if you did not have the first of my suggestions in the bag already.

Trump and god can be eliminated with science well thought out.


Thankfully I do not think that you are alone. The only problem is that, people like you, who reject the conditioning of the local culture, in a country as large as the US, tend to leave the geographical area, because they feel more comfortable elsewhere. Which means sadly, that the culture becomes ever more concentrated.


You are telling it as it should be. I was born and raised in Missouri and did not start to get myself straightened out until I joined the US Army. Meeting lots of different people from all walks of life I went from an opinionated hillbilly hick to a thinking man of logic and evidence. I'm still learning almost every day.

Being in he Army also played a role for me. Specifically, being in West Berlin at the height of the Col War, then living in Berlin on my own for nearly a year.


This is a very well written piece.

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