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We’re not all supposed to be the same you bigoted assholes!!πŸ˜‡

Aaron70 7 Apr 9

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We must respect the man in the white and gold dress and bling who has never had sex in his entire life because a statue of a man who is also his own father being tortured to death (Who also never had sex and wore a dress) told him how to give infallible advice to the rest of us on how to live, love and make informed decisions about what are the right and wrong and how to be kind to one another.


We are equal. Not equivalent.


Looks like the Catholics wanted to show mercy and then immediately say they are still the boss. Yes, we will bless them but no, they are not allowed.

More like, β€œWe will bless you because Jesus said we’re supposed to love all gods children!?” β€œBut yall are still an abomination and freaks…” πŸ₯°

@Aaron70 Praise be the abominable and freaks.

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