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The Hebrew Biblical prophets foretold of the coming of a "Messiah" who would unite the children of Israel under a benevolent "King" of "Zion". When Jesus appeared and was proclaimed by many as a savior, many elders denounced him as a fraud because he preached love and forgiveness instead of vengance that their scriptures, their "God", Jehovah, and their true nature required. The irony is that even many of the people who, under the name of "Christians", later accepted this "Messiah" became as evel and vengeful as those who are now enslaving and ruthlessly eliminating their ancient neighbors who shared the land now known as Palestine. The "Old Testament Christians" who mostly inhabit the U.S Southern states and many parts of Latin America and other parts of the world are Christian in name only and are followers of evil, violent, would- be dictators, just like those so-called Jews who now control the state of israel and have vowed to kill every last member of Hamas, who are simply the more militant arm of the Palestinian people. They are fulfilling their own "prophesy". They are fanatic Zionists, not just "Semites". That is why it is unfair to condemn people who oppose the ethnic cleansing, as Biden is doing in his ignorance. The University students may use means that may seem to be unwarrented to many, but they, and a handfull of others who oppose the fascist Israeli regime, and their blind, vengeful cruelty, are the ones who carry the tourch of democracy, civil justice and humanity that our country has always professed to follow, instead of most of the ignorant voters for Trump and his misguided followers, who are so easlly seduced by his lies, even including many members of our Justice Department, Congress and Supreme Court. When Trump and his followers retake the Whitehouse, the average American citizens won't know what hit them until it is too late, and our country becomes the leader of the new world "Axis of Evil", unless we heed another Biblical prophecy, "And a little child shall lead them" (Isaiah: 11:6).

fishline79 7 May 8

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What little child do we need to lead us?

She will be younger than Biden.

Whoever it was, they swapped their parents confederate flag and swastika for the kaffiyeh.

I am using Biblical quotations to emphasize my own point. The quotation I took the liberty to paraphrase refers to the young students who seem to be alone in recognizing the atrocity being committed. (Do I really have to explain that?!)🙄 Now, read my comment again and see if you can understand my thesis.

@fishline79 Many of us do recognize the atrocity. We just take a different approach than younger people are doing right now. Will we find one that works? IDK.

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