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A question for people who know more about religion than me . Which was the first group of people ( or religion) who first used the phrase
"We are God's Chosen people!" ? I was just grateful to have been ' chosen ' by my mum and dad.

Mcfluwster 7 May 21

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It seems that the words 'God' and "my country first' always appear together.


In many early pagan cultures, such as ancient Rome, the gods were seen as universals, just having different names in different languages and regions. So that the Greek Aphrodite was seen as being the same goddess as the Roman Venus, just under a different name. And they extended that to include other cultures deities as well, often using compound names, such as the Roman British goddess, Sulis Minerva ( The British Sulis plus the Roman Minerva. ) who was worshiped under that name in the city of Bath in England.

That seems to have been a fairly regular attitude across the ancient pre-Christian/Jewish world, not just Rome. Though you have to remember that Rome was a large empire, with a vested interest in promoting unity among it many different peoples, and the idea of a single uniting culture. Which may be one reason why they thought of Christians and to a lesser extent Jews as a threat, not just to the specifically Roman pagan gods, but to the idea of one uniting culture and religion, with common themes, because of their claims of exclusive gods.


You accidentally double-posted. Might want to remove one of them.



Presumably, that would be the first religion that focused on monotheism. But essentially all religions are mutually exclusive and all assume other religion's adherents are not chosen.


According to google A.I. overview.

The idea that God chooses a people has roots in the Hebrew Bible, specifically the Book of Deuteronomy, which states that God chose the Jews to be his people from all the nations on earth. In the Book of Deuteronomy, God speaks to the Jews at Mount Sinai and says that they are his treasured possession if they accept the Mosaic covenant.

However: Widows and orphans are the people that are the ones being helped by those that choose to do religion of helping widows and orphans.

James 1:27 says, "Pure religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world"

Word Level 8 May 21, 2024

And the sign of that godly covenant is to cut off a part of your penis.

@DenoPenno that was old laws for nation of Israel. In modern times Israel has a different jurisprudence. I am not aware if circumcision is mandatory by current Israeli laws.

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