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We have more evidence of dinosaurs than Jesus ...

snytiger6 9 May 22

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Believe it or not in my church daze preachers would tell the crowd that dinosaur skeletons were not real and they were a trick of the devil.

The other version is that God put the fossils in the ground to confound the non-believers!!!

"Liars in the pulpit"

My older brother used to claim the same thing. His view was that all science was the work of the devil.
Mind you he had no qualms with how well science worked when he used his computer or cell phone, or got in his truck…..🤠

These people that deny science should be barred from benefiting from it. We should make them go live in caves with loin clothes the way God intended them to live!! 😇

If they need food or medicine, they can just pray for it!!!?🙏😇🙏


You have to admit, Jesus rocks on a dinosaur!! 😎


Right, Barney is real af!!?! 🦖

Barney is the real deal, for sure!!!!

@Aaron70 My stepson loved Barney and we almost wore out the couple of DVDs watching them. He was a big fan of Teletubbies too! I got to watch a lot of them. Sure do miss the good old days! 😂

@Aaron70 Wow. First time I've ever heard the Barney theme song. Barney was after I had grown up, and I don't have any kids myself. So, I managed to not hear it.

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