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The dark link.

It is true that science, philosophy, reason and the modern popular consensus on morals and human rights, often disagree with the teachings of religion. But it is also true, that even where they do agree with religious teaching, they often provide far stronger proofs for those points of agreement. Which in at least one way, that is actually perhaps even more important than the disagreements.

For example. Back in the Bronze Age if your holy tradition told you that god said. β€œDon't eat fresh water shellfish.” At that time, when people little understood things like pollution and hygiene, to the extent that they did not know, they should not add their excrement to the stream they drank from, or how to cook things properly. Then it may have been very good advice, even though it was using the fake authority of a god to back it up.

But now we can give advice about cooking, and not eating from polluted water, for solid reasons, proved by science and medicine. We try, for reasons we understand, to keep the excrement and other things out of the water, ( Though we still often fail. ) because we now know about heavy metal poisoning, micro-organisms and infection etc..

We can give better reasons for truths, and have better authorities backed by the support of evidence, hard work and reason for what they say. So who now, needs religion and its fake claims to authority based on an imaginary god to do anything ? Only, I think, the people who wish to propagate things which are not true, or which are even completely disproved, because supporting lies is the last thing religion alone can do.

This is the deep connection between religion and crime. Because truth does not need religion, and times do change. You may have needed god in the Bronze Age, to prove that eating shellfish could cause illness, but what do you need him to prove now ? Racism perhaps, female subservience, class, the right to commit violence, or just something stupid such as, give money for good fortune ? As more and more true things, are supported by more and better evidence, and more evidence is produced to question false things, then religions inevitable and increasing arch will be downwards into criminality, because supporting lies is the only thing left to it.

Perhaps you can see that happening ? Is it an inevitable trend ?

Fernapple 9 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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With the exception of dietary restrictions, religions have no purchase on the truth. What would be another example of the thesis?

Religion has ALWAYS been a scam. Indulgences go way, way back. Religion creates mafias that steal in exchange for continued tolerance. Those that don't or won't pay get a pogrom.

Oh I am not sure about that. Truth does not have a fixed price sometimes it is cheap and freely available, even religions could pick up a bit. For example the bans on theft, are pretty useful to ordered humane societies, while others like than bans on incest were good once but are now better understood.


Ha! I think you may be onto something here! πŸ˜‚

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