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Being a "man of god" ...

snytiger6 9 May 25

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You left out “politician”…..🤠


Until tRump took over the crown.

Do believe Biden has done all those things. Told lies which he got caught out for, not prosecuted for theft because he's too old and is unable to string a sentence together without a tele prompter and even then he stuffs it up. Same Pelosi and Clinton. Trump also guilty but he wasn't the trend setter.

@puff You are definitely a puff (full of air)🤣🤣🤣

@puff Do I believe Biden has done what? Certainly it is not claiming to be a man of god.

@DenoPenno He lies, dropped out of a primary in the 80's for falsifying academic records (bit like cheating no?). He stole classified documents. Mr "empathy" lol
But the big one is the devout who are gullible enough vote for him again.

I must have Puff blocked…..that tells ya all you need to know…..🤠

@puff His speech writer did not give credit to the original writer in a speech that he gave, and that is considered plagiarism, he voluntarily asked the justice department to look indide his property when he discovered that he had some classified documents accidentally and turned them over. He didn't ask his lawyer to lie that he didn't have the documents, he didn't prevent the justice department from retrieving them, he ask them to search his premises to make sure that there were no other documents that were accidentally packed in boxes and sent to his properties. He cooperated. He didn't erase video footage of his staff removing and hiding boxed of documents. You are a fool.

@noworry28 Afghanistan withdrawal not using a secure US airbase and leaving people behind, droning an aid worker and children as a parting gift. Nord Stream. Ukraine. Genocide in Palestine. Border management. And let's not forget the 51 spooks accusing Russia for Hunter's laptop and the whole Russiagate bollocks used in the final presidential debate.

I'm not defending Trump, I'm saying Biden is a disaster, so much so he makes Trump look attractive to many You watch him start something with Taiwan when it becomes obvious to even the most indoctrinated that NATO absorbing Ukraine was a fools errand, the country now destroyed.
Re plagiarism, he has done that many times. He even inflated his academic record during speeches. He bragged about getting Ukraine's chief prosecutor fired on the threat of withholding aid whilst VP. Yet Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers ignore his abysmal record and still defend his legacy.

"But the big one is the devout who are gullible enough vote for him again."


I'd've agreed with this...before the pustule came on the scene!

Pustules suck big hairy donkey balls!!?😒

@Aaron70 He'd suck 'em....if they give him money.

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