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The Biden team already got two important conditions in place: no live audience, and the mics cut off when the time is up. But I would go a bit farther, and build a wall...

Flyingsaucesir 8 May 25

Enjoy being online again!

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they need some kind of real time lie detector thingy, a cattle prod confessions round, and the tar and feathering race.


Do we really need to hear any more from Trump? It's sad that Biden would give in to the media on this given how poorly they've behaved, giving Trump unlimited air time. It's all about money for the MSM and who gives a shit what happens to the country.


I may even try to watch it.

I was thinking the same thing. I can't guarantee I can stomach it long, but it's historic.

@Lauren We definitely live in interesting times, and I'm kinda tired of it. I want to be bored for a while instead of continually freaked out!

@HippieChick58 I was just listening to a podcast this week in which they referred to it as the turmoil of the past decade and I realized - wow! - it HAS been a decade! No wonder we're fucking exhausted by it all! I could definitely do with the boredom of no news or constant crises, while chilling for hours doing my jigsaw puzzles and posting saccharine-sweet stuff on my FB page for a change. 🙂

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