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Sectarian tensions are a big issue in Scotland.

I only know because my Uncle lived in Scotland for a while. He experienced it firsthand, and when managing his staff at a large first responder organisation. And told me about his experiences.

He lived in an essentially Catholic suburb on the outskirts of Glasgow, he didn’t realise that until after he bought his house. He doesn’t attend church and has no interest in religious matters.

Interesting that this story is reported in an American news website. It’s not an issue usually acknowledged in UK based media. Maybe because it’s bad for Scotland’s image.

‘Passion, performance, poison’: Why this Scottish soccer league is struggling to shake off the specter of religious bigotry


Zealandia 8 May 26

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The legendary Celtic manager Jock Stein was protestant. When asked if there were two really good forwards up for signing and one was Catholic, the other protestant, which one would he sign? "Oh, I would sing the protestant one because Rangers would never sign the Catholic."


Yes it still exists but is nothing like as bad as it was years ago. For some reason foot ball does attract a minority of nutcases and most European teams have their "casuals" who just want to make trouble.
The joke in Glasgow is "I'm an atheist I support Partick Thistle"


It’s appalling. Freedom of speech should not include hate speech.


This is what religion does to people, turns them in to fucking idiots

I think they was already idiots, and religion gives them a means to express their idiocies….I mean you pretty much have to be an idiot to believe the Buybull to begin with!?!🤔

@Aaron70 It is easy for an idiot to behave like an idiot, to have an intelligent person behave like a gormless cretin, that takes religion.


As far as I am concerned, the players themselves can do much to alleviate the problem by banding the teams together in solidarity and asking their fans to cut it out.

Betty Level 8 May 26, 2024
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