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Theist: If there is no god what caused the big bang? ...

snytiger6 9 June 4

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What makes the first author think that there was only ONE?. I reappeared in this one after the seventeenth version following the most explosive one.


Beyond a doubt, the Theist already knows the β€œbig bang” was caused by the talking snake!! 😎


I think, with the new JWST there is starting to see an even bigger problem, the emerging idea of a multi-verse. []
However, as usual, the rabid god people also have a way of trying to prove this phenomena could also include some magical god. []


I have given up trying that approach for the simple reason that every theist that I have ever encountered always flatly refuses to think (and valid enquiry demands thinking skills).

The chances of getting through to the die-hard believers are infinitesimal. Their whole lives have been invested, to lose that would be to lose their identity.


See Eric Lerner’s β€œThe Big Bang Never Happened”.
ISBN; 0812918533
Pub: New York: Times Books/Random House, 1991.

A Belgian priest wanted to support Aquinas.


Christians prefer to demand answers to unanswerable question (origins of life and the universe); it's a version of the firehose tactic. They DON'T want to talk about evolution removing the Original Sin foundation, which invalidates the dogma of Jesus-as-sacrificial-redemption. Truth is a bitch.

It is also a version of the "reversing the burden of proof" fallacy. Since it is up to them to prove god, not up to the atheist to prove that they can prove everything without god.


What big bang. If there is a vast and sudden expansion does it have to make a sound. Who heard this sound?

Space is a vacuum, so there would be no actual sound.

The sound was heard by many people standing in forests listening for falling trees.

So was it a big bang, or just a wittle one?!🀠


Oh, but it's so much easier and profitable for them to LIE....

Intelligent Design explains a lot apparently. 🀣

@Zealandia It was their answer to rebut science.

@Zealandia I don't think "intelligent design" explains anything, other than religious persons are getting desperate to keep their beliefs intact.

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