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What movie/book do you all think deserves a Netflix series? For me, I think Harry Potter and the Inheritance Cycle totally deserve one. Each chapter would be an episode (or maybe two if it's a really long chapter) and each book would be a season. Harry Potter would be seven seasons long and Inheritance would be between four and eight seasons (depending on how long they made each season.

ErichZannIII 7 May 7

Enjoy being online again!

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As a kid I found “My Side of the Mountain” pretty inspiring. I think there is room for real drama, and introspective narration.


Any and all Alistair Reynolds novels.

Gohan Level 7 May 8, 2018

The Outermost House.


I've been working on what I thought would make a great Netflix series, but, alas, I don't know anybody anywhere near Hollywood, so I've been writing it as a book.


Would love to see Issac Asimov's Foundation series made into movies. Would not care who made it.


Please don't ruin HP, Netflix? ?

@ErichZannIII Oh, okay. I thought you meant sequels.

@ErichZannIII I never finished the "Cursed Child" book. I got halfway through it and I got bored and I didn't like it.


Forget Netflix. I would like to see the same level of HBO investment of Game of Thrones into The Dark Tower series by Stephen King to put aside that utter abortion of a film.


I think The Stand could easily be a several episode series.

Maybe Edger Allen Poe stories set to modern times.

The Bobsey Twins (I'm kidding on that one)

The Stand bored the hell out of me. I did not even finish it. I like King's short stories much better, especially the Bachmann books.


Eleanor Marx's life story.


Ender's Game series. It would be better on Netflix than as a movie.

Have not read this. Still enjoyed the movie but felt like I was getting a synopsis of something.

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