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If god exists why do we need books to explain it? ...

snytiger6 9 June 8

Enjoy being online again!

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For many years Dan Barker was a preacher. He can read Latin and Greek so he has studied long enough to know.


The asinine and often violent character of those who supposedly have a connection to a god should be more than ample evidence against that god. Scripture? Don't waste my time.

Evolution, more than anything else, provides genuine insight into our existence and yet not one religion came up with that.


Do you exist? Prove it. As far as I'm concerned you're an NPC.

Yes he exists, and so do you and so do I. Proof of this is the fact that we can type, and if we did not exist we could not do that.

@Alienbeing He? We? Proof? Your proof is that i'm reading text on a computer screen. OK.

@Drank_Spear The proof is, you understood what was said and responded.


The bible is a collection of fairy tales much like the Grimm brother's or Mother Goose.

Betty Level 8 June 8, 2024

Most of the stories in the bible can be traced to and are just recycled and reworked myths from earlier religions and cultures ...

@snytiger6 So are the stories from the Brothers Grimm and Mother Goose. That is why I made the comparison. Most people know how exaggerated oral stories can be when repeated over generations.


I hate to split hairs (but I'm going to do it anyway 😂). The fact that Gawd does not explain or reveal himself (herself, itself, theirself; whatever!) is not evidence of anything. It is merely an indication. It's a very strong indication, in my opinion, that he/she/it/they does not/do not exist, but it's still just an indication.

The authors of the Buybull were very clever in defining their gawd as being inherently enigmatic, inscrutable, and mysterious. Any attempt to pin him/her/it/they down is doomed from the start.

This is why there are agnostics. 😂


Who’s listening for anything from him/it?


Great question!


Invisible entities can’t talk!!! Helloooooo……😇

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