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Dear religious people, Don't worry ...

snytiger6 9 June 11

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duality says it's either religious or atheist. Narrow view. Can you not perceive anything besides those two? That's an issue.


Just a bit of humor sir, I’d never burn them at the stake!! That would be a waste of good firewood…..🪵


Ultimately, these people believe nonsense to the point of being delusional. That condition renders them unfit for certain purposes. They should be treated, however it is practicable, to improve their sanity. I don't see getting their permission as a prerequisite.


It has already happened here. In the last census over 50% said they had no religion. The Church of Scotland is closing churches all over the country including the village church I was forced to go to as a kid every Sunday.

Hallelujah, praise the lort!!!?! 😇


Speak for yourself!! I’m gonna start burning them bitches at the stake !!!?!!! I say, do unto others, as they do unto to you!!?!! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!!!! 🤠😇😎


We are all biological organism first. Human being that can agree with each other for about 95% of the time. Watch out for the 5% that we strongly disagree with, it's an ugly bitch.


Same with liberals and leftists, tho we never are believed or get credit for it, when we do treat conservatives fairly and generously, simply because those people, conservatives and Repubs, never believe in being fair, honest, or truthful, when it comes to others who are different from them. And maybe some Christians believed in practicing those things to others outside their tribe, but not many of them, once Christianity became absorbed by the Repub Party..

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