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A very important topic for this group Religion and birth rates. Most of my postings are from a Word Press group The Overpopulation Project or TOP.

”Religious immigrants to the West have high birth rates, the British political scientist Eric Kaufmann emphasized in his book Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? (2010). Two years later, the psychologist Jonathan Haidt published The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. He and Kaufmann both argued that religion is hard to eliminate through rational arguments, as evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and many others have tried. According to Haidt, religiosity is part of inherited behavior that reinforces social cooperation among competing groups of Homo sapiens.
Below, religion refers to belief in supernatural power, including spirituality and spirits that influence our attitudes and actions. Animism long dominated among hunters and gatherers via souls and spirits (deceased people, parts of nature, etc.). As agriculture evolved globally, larger hierarchical communities adopted gods to rule over them (monotheism).

The American researcher Stephen Prothero attempted to characterize the major religions in his book God Is Not One (2010). For Buddhism he suggests “the problem is suffering – the solution is awakening”, for Christianity “the problem is sin, the solution is salvation”, and for Islam “the problem is pride, the solution is submission.

In the Western world in the 1960s and 70s, many scholars believed that religions would fade away and that developing countries would become secular. This did not happen. For example, in Africa south of the Sahara and in Arab countries, according to Gallup surveys, on average 90 percent answer “Yes” to the question “Is religion an important part of everyday life?” In 2017, The Pew Research Center reported that Islam is the fastest growing religion, with a forecast that Muslims will give birth to more children than Christians by 2035.

This is supported by a study by the World Values Survey in 57 countries which showed that Muslims give birth to more children than other religions. Immigrants to Europe from Muslim countries also appear to have higher birth rates than other immigrants and the host population.”

pedigojr 5 June 12

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There's going to be a big problem with the Amish and other similar groups in the future as they insist on having big families and their numbers are growing exponentially. It's actually a kind of theft where you use up more and more resources to the disadvantage of responsible people.

A Secular Jewish friend told me about an ultra-Jewish group known as Chabad. They are said to focus on having as many kids as they can.


Yeah, the right thinks they will rule the world by having more babies and indoctrination of said offspring. It’s been a part of their strategy for decades now. That, and infiltrating our government. They are succeeding at both btw….👀

However, this problem is and will infect the rest of the world including thousands of non-human species that are now going extinct.


Once women get educated they no longer have so many children.

In some countries education for women is forbidden. Those are the countries with the highest fertility rates and there even women feel as if it's their duty to have lots of kids. Unfortunately, these are the countries that often feel the need to move to greener pastures (like more developed countries). I think I mentioned I donate to a group dedicated to educating women and men. It's called Engender Health.

@pedigojr True, but once they move to a western country they have no choice but go to school.

@Jolanta Problem is when thousands + go to western countries the school systems become bankrupt from too many students. My late partner worked in a large system and saw how money was becoming very short.

@pedigojr Maybe not so many would want to go to western countries if the US did not invade them and meddle in their politics.

@Jolanta If we are so violent and warmongering why would someone want to come to our countries? Many are trying to escape even worse conditions in their own countries (which they are causing because they keep increasing their populations without considering the limited resources in their areas. If tRump were to get re-elected I know of many here that say they will go to some European country which only increases pressure on those countries and will make things hard for the US immigrants.
We are a democracy and many other countries have gotten into a dictatorship situation. They have already become what the US may become should the ultra conservatives take over.
BTW, history has clearly shown through the ages most bigger nations always invade smaller weaker ones. Look at how the Roman empire was created.

@pedigojr I guess you are not aware of how the US meddle in South American countries politics. Just look up Chile how they killed the democratically elected president for example.

@Jolanta I have also read the book 1491 which was mostly about S. America. Often as tribes there grew they would take over other tribes and grow even stronger. That strength, they felt, was needed to protect themselves from other growing tribes. Bigger, more powerful tribes constantly battle with smaller tribes for strength and resources. Australia is no different.

@pedigojr I know, so US who is one of the bigger tribes now does it to smaller tribes.

@Jolanta We have done a lot of damage but, depending on one's outlook, not all is bad. We do fund many programs in a lot of other countries. Right now we are the prime source for funding and weaponry to Ukraine. More and more, some (and I use the word lightly) are starting to see we are all in this together and the domino's are falling so we need to make a unified effort to stop the destruction wrought on nature. For example, the Nature Conservancy and National Geographic are US corps. but have a positive global, positive impact. This morning I read that a new pipeline terminus, Kinder-Morgan, has been completed in Canada (BC) that will multiply huge oil tankers in my area, the Salish Sea (the term was given due to a joint decision by both Canada and the US). This is the area that will be most affected by tankers and container shipping to China. []

@pedigojr And primary source for funding Israel too, don't forget. I am aware that the US is funding programs overseas but it seems to me that a lot of those programs are there to benefit the US. Are Nature Conservancy and National Geographics governmental agencies?

@Jolanta Yes we did fund Israel and I think we (some) are regretting that. Israel is also a nuclear country that is not open about that fact.
No they are private. I did a little checking to see and this came up for the Nature Conservancy [] and National Geographic []


All the people I know who came from big families (up to 21 siblings!) are from religious families. Yet in spite of this numerical advantage, and early indoctrination in religious dogmas, the number of people with no religious affiliation keeps growing. So there's reason for hope.

My dad was a convert to Catholicism. There were 7 in my family (I'm #1). Today there are 6 atheists and one JW.

For those with children, hope may be inevitable.

I had none, and sometimes imagine an earth without H. sapiens.


The fundamental religious groups believe they have a duty to "be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" according to the KJV bible. When you lookup the meaning of that word "replenish" it makes a person wonder when the earth was "plenished" the first time. No religion is going to become secular and fade away as long as god is a phallic symbol. "My god is bigger and better than your god" still seems to be playing a large part here.

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