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What would you do?

I sent this story to my oldest son who is a trump supporter. His immediate response was "That's BS, how does a pin he earned get revoked after he is no longer active. The Democrats really have no shame."

I responded the Democrats had nothing to do with this, did you read the article?

He responded "I know him personally and don't believe he would wear something he didn't earn."

He then said he would call him and ask him about it. I've not heard anything back. I'm sure if he did call Nehls he got more lies from him.

I want to try and have a conversation with my son but don't think it would be positive. Any thoughts on how to open a dialog with my son?

Redheadedgammy 9 June 12

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I wanted to respond to everyone, but I would essentially be saying the same thing so decided to write my thanks to you all for excellent advice.

I don't talk politics or religion with my kids, and truly did not believe I was sending a story that was political. Since my husband was in the military, and my son was as well, I thought my son would see this for what it was. Someone who was proving themselves up to be someone he wasn't. The fact that other republican congressmen even told Nehls not to wear the pin was something I thought my son would agree with.

Unfortunately, I learned that my son is more radicalized than I thought after his response to my sending him the info.

I think you're all correct, that I need to let it go as I don't want to further harm our relationship. A mom always wants to try and reach her kids no matter how old they are, but sometimes it's best to say nothing. Thank you all for your input and help in this matter. 😘

@Redheadedgammy Hope all goes well! 🤗❤️

@michelle666gar Me too Michelle. He and I struggle to connect and have a relationship. I blame his drinking for most of it, and his republican brain damage for the rest of our problems. 😥

@Redheadedgammy I'm so sorry 😔🤗❤️


You've gotten good advice here, Lizard is correct about the boasting and breast beating. It's really sad that your son has a broken bullshit-o-meter. My identical twin is a supporter of the GOP, more as the default position because she so fears, hates and distrusts the Democrats, all Dems, period. She has been this way all her life and seeks out the people who support her thinking and she gets her "news" from FOX, newsmax, Epoch Times, etc. ALL of those platforms work the same, they tell you exactly who and what to fear.
BTW we are no longer talking. She thinks if she shouts loud enough I will hear her, then it devolves into personal attacks.
So you have to decide if you want to have him in your life or push him away with attempts to supply the facts.
I'm just numb to my twin. I work at not thinking about her, we were never close so the thing I miss is really something I never had but only hoped for. Our younger sister has also stopped communicating with her also, she said it's just not worth the hassle and frustration at utter stupid on so huge a display.
I do feel really sad for your situation. Hugs.

Yes, thank you. Please see my response above.


Its the other way around with me and my father. My father is a Trumpster while I'm liberal and despise Trump. Though, we don't really agree on much of anything else either plus my father is as a-hole in general. I'm not really sure I have much a point here.

Of course, I don't know your son but I think its very unlikely that you'll be able to ever change his mind. The more you come at him the more he'll just dig in deeper. People have to be willing to change. I don't think the majority of Trumpsters are willing to change whatsoever.

Thank you for your reply. Please see my reply above.


Hey, democracy lets people disagree.

The First Amendment protexts what he says AND what you say. Don’t talk politics.

I don't talk politics or religion with him. The story I sent him was about Stolen Valor, and since he was in the military, I thought he could agree that what this representative did was wrong. My son is the one who threw in politics.


I agree with the general concensus that this isn't the hill to take a stand on with your son. It sucks... I'm so sorry.

He may actually ask Nehls about his pin but as he's been lying about it for awhile I don't see him 'fessing up now... I'm not saying to back down from the truth if your son comes back to you with that information, but maybe let it play out for now.

Lauren Level 8 June 13, 2024

Thank you Lauren for responding. Please see my reply above.


Sorry that your son feels this way but there is not much you can do. The fact that he thinks this was all done by Democrats is what the Trump Cult wants him to think. They have the most control if they keep the major parties fighting and hating each other. Reading this also shows me that your son thinks CBS News is all Democrat. OK, let's start believing news that has only popped up since Trump got into politics. Will that fix thinking? It does for me.

Thank you for responding. Please see my reply above.


I think not going forward with this would be the best approach. He has shown he is not open to discussion on this. All you can do is wait and hope that the truth comes to light, and Nehls is taken down a peg or four... I know this is hard for you, I can't imagine being at odds with my kids. Hang in there.

Thanks Paula, please see my reply above.


The sort of behavior in that article is unfortunately very common among conservatives even those not in politics. Any VFW or other organization are full of them drinking and telling stories about their time in the service that make them sound like super soldiers. The ones who are real don't like to talk about it and don't wear those pins in public like that.
I have known a lot of them over the years who earned those awards and for the most part in those masturbatory brag fests they are the ones looking disgusted and walking away...

Tell your son this comes from someone who served with both types in the Marines.

Thank you for your reply. I agree with you 100%. Please see my reply above.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I have trump supporters in my family and unfortunately or fortunately, they no longer have anything to do with me, it might be my mouth because sometimes I just can't shut the fuck up! I understand he's your son and it hurts so much to be at odds with him because of this. Maybe don't mention the differences and just try to hangout and hopefully you both will heal and realize how much you both love each other even with these differences.

Thanks Michelle. Please see my reply above to thank everyone for responding.

@Redheadedgammy FYI the VFW was invented by Republican Conservatives that had backed Hoover in order to recruit veterans from WW1 to overthrow the government...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yes, I had been told about this before. This country has a long history of people being traitors to their country. 😒

@Redheadedgammy And all of them seem to be conservatives from the far Right-wing....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz They do stand out don't they!!! 😉

@Redheadedgammy We honestly need to start exiling them whenever they are caught... We did it before and ended up with "The Star Spangled Banner" as a result...


I’m sorry to hear that your son is so in thrall to this shameless Republican that he is in denial of the facts, and that this is making a dialogue between your son and yourself difficult. I can't see that it serves any purpose to pursue this discussion with him any further as it won’t improve relations between the two of you. My advice is just to drop this topic of conversation and hope he eventually finds out how dishonest and dishonourable this man is for himself in due course. I’m sad that he seems to be so brainwashed Rhonda…for the sake of family harmony, in this case avoidance may just be the best option sad to say.

Thank you Marje for your reply, which I agree with 100%. Please see my reply above.


Sometimes, with family that you want a relationship with, the topic of politics and or religion is best kept under wraps. It is not worth the heartache to argue with someone that will not or is not ready to hear what you have to say. It becomes a no win battle that will alienate the person you are trying to maintain a relationship with. 😟

I feel for you, and I wish you well. 🤗

Betty Level 8 June 12, 2024

Thank you Betty. I appreciate your response and agree completely. Please see my reply above.

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