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To kill the competition, bacteria throw pieces of dead viruses at them

Long before humans became interested in killing bacteria, viruses were on the job. Viruses that attack bacteria, termed "phages" (short for bacteriophage), were first identified by their ability to create bare patches on the surface of culture plates that were otherwise covered by a lawn of bacteria. After playing critical roles in the early development of molecular biology, a number of phages have been developed as potential therapies to be used when antibiotic resistance limits the effectiveness of traditional medicines.

But we're relative latecomers in terms of turning phages into tools. Researchers have described a number of cases where bacteria have maintained pieces of disabled viruses in their genomes and converted them into weapons that can be used to kill other bacteria that might otherwise compete for resources. I only just became aware of that weaponization, thanks to a new study showing that this process has helped maintain diverse bacterial populations for centuries.
Evolving a killer

The new work started when researchers were studying the population of bacteria associated with a plant growing wild in Germany. The population included diverse members of the genus Pseudomonas, which can include plant pathogens. Normally, when bacteria infect a new victim, a single strain expands dramatically as it successfully exploits its host. In this case, though, the Pseudomonas population contained a variety of different strains that appeared to maintain a stable competition.

To learn more, the researchers obtained over 1,500 individual genomes from the bacterial population. Over 99 percent of those genomes contained pieces of virus, with the average bacterial strain having two separate chunks of virus lurking in their genomes. All of these had missing parts compared to a functional virus, suggesting they were the product of a virus that had inserted in the past but had since picked up damage that disabled them.

On its own, that's not shocking. Lots of genomes (including our own) have plenty of disabled viruses in them. But bacteria tend to eliminate extraneous DNA from their genomes fairly quickly. In this case, one particular viral sequence appeared to date back to the common ancestor of many of the strains since all of them had the virus inserted at the same location of the genome, and all instances of this particular virus had been disabled by losing the same set of genes. The researchers termed this sequence VC2.

Many phages have a stereotypical structure: a large "head" that contains their genetic material, perched on top of a stalk that ends in a set of "legs" that help latch on to their bacterial victims. Once the legs make contact, a stalk contracts, an action that helps transfer the virus' genome into the bacterial cell. In VC2's case, all copies of it lacked the genes for producing the head section, as well as all the genes needed for processing its genome during infection.

This made the researchers suspect VC2 was something called a "tailocin." These are former phages that have been domesticated by bacteria so they can be used to harm the bacteria's potential competition. Bacteria with a tailocin can produce partial phages that consist only of the legs and stalk. These tailocins can still find and latch on to other bacteria, but when the stalk contracts, there's no genome to inject. Instead, this just opens a hole in the membrane of their victim, partially eliminating the boundary of the cell and allowing some of its contents to leak out, leading to its death.
An evolutionary free-for-all

To confirm that the VC2 sequence encodes a tailocin, the researchers grew some bacteria that contained the sequence, purified proteins from it, and used electron microscopy to confirm that they contained headless phages. Exposing other bacteria to the tailocin, they found that while the strain that produced it was immune, many other strains growing in the same environment were killed by it. When the team deleted the genes that encode key parts of the tailocin, the killing went away.

The researchers hypothesize that the system is used to kill off potential competition but that many strains have evolved resistance to the tailocin.

When the researchers did a genetic screen to identify resistant mutants, they found that resistance was provided by mutations that interfered with the production of complex sugar molecules that are found on proteins that end up on the exterior of cells. At the same time, most of the genetic differences among the VC2 genes occur in the proteins that encode the legs, which latch on to these sugars.

So it appears that every bacterial strain is both an aggressor and a victim, and there's an evolutionary arms race that leads to a complex collection of pairwise interactions among the strains—think of a rock/paper/scissors game with dozens of options. And the arms race has a history. Using old samples, the researchers show that many of the variations in these genes have been around for at least 200 years.

Evolutionary competitions are often viewed as a simple one-against-one fight, probably because it's an easy way to think about them. But the reality is that most are more akin to a chaotic bar room brawl—one where it's rare for any faction to obtain a permanent advantage.

Science, 2024. DOI: 10.1126/science.ado0713 (About DOIs).

vocaloldfart 7 June 15

Enjoy being online again!

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"The Perfect Predator" by Steffanie Strathdee is a fascinating story of how she helped to pioneer the use of phage therapy to save her husband from a superbug picked up when holidaying in Egypt.
She is a professor of epidemiology at UC in San Diego and also happens to be my cousin who I have never met but hope to some day.


Very interesting! 😃

I think many people would be surprised to learn that the human genome is composed of around 8% old viral DNA.


Thanks for this. Very interesting!


When bacteriophages (literally meaning 'bacteria eaters' ) solely kill and selectively target bacteria, have researchers ascertained that phages never target and kill good bacteria, probiotics, for our bodies?

Ryo1 Level 8 June 15, 2024

Bacteriophage T12 is known to change the Streptococcus pyogenes bacterium into something that can lead to scarlet fever :

Also plasmids are mostly known as vectors of antibiotic resistance passed between bacterial populations (often referred to as lateral or horizontal gene transfer) but phages can act in a similar manner, helping bacteria outwit human ingenuity:

Also see:
Transduction is acknowledged as a potential contributor to the spread ARGs, especially between members of the same species (Dzidic and Bedeković 2003; Hens et al. 2006; Gillings 2017; and reviewed in Brown-Jaque et al. 2015). Transduction occurs when viral particles transfer bacterial genes. After infection with a bacteriophage, bacterial DNA is sometimes accidentally packaged in a bacteriophage capsid. A capsid containing bacterial DNA is fully capable of binding to a recipient cell and injecting the foreign DNA. If the transferred bacterial DNA is recombined into the genome of the recipient cell, transduction has occurred.

There is currently only indirect evidence that transduction occurs in hospitals. Bacteriophages isolated from hospital-acquired MRSA infections were found to readily transduce ARGs to sensitive strains in the laboratory (Stanczak-Mrozek et al. 2015). Similarly, tetracycline and penicillin resistance genes could be transduced between hospital isolates of S. aureus (Mašlaňová et al. 2016), consistent with the known ability of bacteriophages to transmit chromosomal ARGs from MRSA to recipient strains in the laboratory (Chlebowicz et al. 2014). Because bacteriophage-mediated transfer of AR can occur in laboratories, transduction could be a significant contributor to emergence and persistence of AR in clinically relevant S. aureus. In Gram-negative bacteria, transduction has been observed to transfer multiple ARGs, including ESBL genes, from Pseudomonas hospital isolates to other Pseudomonas strains in the laboratory (Blahová et al. 2000). Similarly, β-lactamase genes can be transduced between Acinetobacter strains in the laboratory (Krahn et al. 2016).

And: []
Bacteriophages can serve as vectors for the lateral transmission of antibiotic-resistance genes among bacteria. The mechanism of phage transduction is well understood (Brabban et al., 2005): following infection of a host cell by a temperate phage, phage DNA integrates into that of the host at a specific point, or less specifically, depending on the type of phage. The lysogenic conversion that often results may render the host bacterium less susceptible to invasion by other phages. The integrated phage genome (prophage) is then transmitted vertically within the host lineage until the lytic cycle is induced, during which an adjacent region of the host genome is sometimes excised and packaged together with that of the phage (specialized transduction). More rarely, a nonadjacent region of host DNA is packaged and delivered to a new bacterial host (generalized transduction). Lytic viruses, which do not integrate into the host genome, can similarly be agents of generalized transduction.

Several lines of evidence point to a role for temperate phages in the assembly and spread of antibiotic resistance within Salmonella species (Brabban et al., 2005). Schmieger & Schicklmaier (1999) documented the transduction of ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline resistance among strains of S. typhimurium DT104. Genes specifying resistance to five drug classes are clustered in a genomic island (GI) that contains both phage- and plasmid-related genes (Cloeckaert & Schwarz, 2001; Hermans et al., 2006). Zhang & LeJeune (2008) demonstrated phage-mediated transfer of the extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistance gene blaCYM−2 and tetracycline-resistance genes tet(A) and tet🍺 from a multidrug-resistant Salmonella to an antibiotic-susceptible S. typhimurium. Inducible phages have been observed in 75% of antimicrobial-resistant Salmonella, compared with 53% of non-antimicrobial-resistant isolates (Zhang & LeJeune, 2008). Phages are likewise involved in the transduction of multidrug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Blahova et al., 2001).

Interesting. Cheers, mate.

@Scott321 Thanks greatly . I have copied the links as I found your reply most informative and will dive into the microbiol deeper. ( MB is a passion of mine.) It is humbling to realise that we are a trillion+ bacteria that combined make a living person.

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