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"Justice Alito turned the flag upside down. Donald Trump turned the Bible upside down. MAGA turned the Capitol upside down. The Roberts Court turned the Constitution upside down. Let’s set America right side up in November."
-- Rep. Jamie Raskin, [D] Maryland

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 16

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We are so close to the brink, and 50% of the country seems determined to blast over it. I don’t trust polls, and I sure hope they are all wrong and a super majority cast out the Orange Buffoon and his Congressional cult followers.

You and me both, brother.


We better, because if it isn't fixed soon, life in the USA will not be what it was meant to be.

We could turn into a western version of Russia in a heartbeat.

And what is Russia like today?

The Russian economy is shit. The average Russian's income is less than the average Indian's income.

In Russia there is no freedom of speech. People are jailed for simply holding up a blank piece of paper.

In Russia, there is no respect for basic human rights. If you're gay, or colored, you can be harassed, beaten, or murdered with no repercussions.

Political candidates who oppose Putin are routinely jailed on trumped-up charges, or murdered, or both.

Russian men of military age are used as cannon fodder in Putin's genocidal project in Ukraine.

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