4 16

Wishing this bitter lizard's bid will fizzle
And in prison his withered gizzard will chill and sizzle
(It's hot up in the Attic-a)

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 19

Enjoy being online again!

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We can only hope, and VOTE! Anybody but him!

ANYbody? 😂


Yup and yup. You know what they say about power corrupting and absolute power correcting absolutely. If Trump were to be president again, we ain't seen nuthin' yet.

Yeah, he's already shown us and told us who he is. However crazy it may look and sound, we need to believe our own eyes and ears.

@Flyingsaucesir I cannot understand how anyone with a modicum of intelligence can buy into Trump. I also find it amusing and frustrating when, ahem, people with low intelligence tell me that I don't know what I am talking about when it comes to Trump. However, I haven't spoken to any Trumpers about Trump for years--it's like beating my head against a brick wall. The only thing that feels good about beating one's head against a wall is stopping.

@Gwen_Wanderer A big part of Trump's base is Evangelical Christians, people who are already in the habit of swallowing bullshit unquestioningly. Then there are the anarchists, who just want to burn it all down...


That can be any US top politician.

Nope. You're wrong there.


Frighteningly accurate!

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