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Pop-pop day is upon us again. My neighbor visited last night and suddenly the noise started up. I thought we were under attack. No, it was his son and son's girlfriend across the street setting off fireworks. Poor people with no money and they are setting it on fire and making noise. People often tell me they are just celebrating their Independence. I'm asked why I do not do the same. Sorry folks. I've had my independence my entire life. No reason to blow things up since I have grown up, but if you and your family are really into that you might try going to a local fireworks display in your area. In the end it is a lot safer. It also does not drag on for 2 weeks or a month.

DenoPenno 9 June 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I loathe fireworks, and I'm hearing them already. I feel like getting some to set off on July 14, just to thank my neighbors for disturbing my sleep. Does that sound bitchy?


I worked as a pyrotechnic helper for years. When things go wrong and it happens, the crowd was in great danger. Luckily there were no injuries. Now I despise fireworks every 4th the emergency rooms are full of mishaps. A lot of veterans and animals are spooked for sure, nough said.

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