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Abortion is already outlawed in many Republican-led states. Now they're going after in vitro fertilization. Then it will be contraception. If the American Taliban/Christian nationalists have their way, the whole country will soon be living in a Margaret Atwood novel.


Flyingsaucesir 8 June 25

Enjoy being online again!

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When I read The Handmaid's Tale after it first came out, it scared the hell out of me. Now that I see it happening it makes me want to grab my granddaughters and move to some place sane.

How's your French? 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Nonexistent. I do speak some Dutch and have an adult child living in the Netherlands with her husband and children. If I were to bug out of the USA that is where I would go.

@HippieChick58 Hope you don't have to 🤞

@Flyingsaucesir Me too!! I want to visit, but I don't want to stay there.

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