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If we can get Democratic majorities in both the House and Senate, we can end the filibuster rule and expand the Court. And impeach Thomas and Alito while we're at it.

Flyingsaucesir 8 June 26

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Many of us do not remember a stimulus package when G. W. Bush was POTUS but we did have one. I used mine to put a roof on my back porch.


If wishes were horses beggars would ride. Obama had that his first two years, we got the greatest upwards transfer of wealth in history and a complete sell out to the health insurance industry. And you think Biden would do differently?

Obamacare was the best thing to happen in healthcare since Medicare was established.

At least Biden's expenditures were investments in America. Trump's tax cut for the rich added 7 trillion to the national debt and what did we get for it? Only the 1% made out in that deal

George W Bush's misadventure in Iraq added $3 trillion to the debt.

It's complicated.

But you're right, a Democratic trifecta a long shot.


Yes, we need all of the above! Definitely some impeachments are in order.

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