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Worth a look.

noworry28 8 June 29

Enjoy being online again!

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The end of neoliberal economic policies could never come soon enough for me, as it should never have been done in the first place. Plenty of people smarter than me, were warning about how bad it would be, over 50 years ago, but they were ignored. I have little faith that America's political leaders in either major party will abandon these policies, since they are what their shared donor class wants, so what us peasants think, as well as honest economists think, doesn't least not to them.

If the rules for other countries like China and Mexico were the same as in the U.S when it comes to labor laws and wages were comparable, the results might have been different. But I am skeptical about even that, because the price of labor drives the price of the product. Low consumer goods would not have been achieved. Now chinese companies are buying and owning a lot of the food processing companies in the US. In twenty or so years, the same problem will arise in that industry.


Is any of that produced by people who want you to know Trump's policies? i am very suspicious of programs that put all our woes at the foot of Biden.

The main point that I see in this is that the economic process of being a consumer society and not a manufacturing society made the middle class less prosperous. I remember almost twenty years ago going to a meeting about the U.S economic transforming into a service oriented economic model. The US economy was supposed to benefit from low cost goods that were manufactured overseas. Both democratic and republican presidents over the last twenty or more years were pushing that model. The factory worker was going to be retrained in the service sector with computers, and finance, and intellectual management jobs. I attended several seminars and lectures about this since I work in the financial sector. I just see that a lot of people did not benefit from this model.


Why, in your opinion, is it worrth a look?

Look at my response to DenoPeno, I don't want to post it twice. I just want to know what anyone thinks and share some meaningful discussion.

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