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Never mind God, does admin really exist? I am Austin-Cambridge, level 8 and lost my password when my computer crashed over a year ago, I have rejoined the site as ParryHotter, level 2! I have requested a new password for my level 8 status many times and have never received a reply! Any chance somebody can take the time?

ParryHotter 3 July 4

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Right!!! Too expensive!


Explains a lot doesn't it?....




A twelve pack of Dos Equis works just fine! 🤣🤣🤣


I'm trying to help him! Lol!!!


Uncle Ruckus!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Be french toast!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Congratulations ! You are now a born again Agnostic !, and even hotter


Same thing happened to me 3 the proud owner of 3 email addys when I went since my first 2009 ( the divorce) with one just fine.....


Mine is fairly simple for this site. However, the all-seeing Google seems to keep my access open, without being asked!


A day late! Oh well! 🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to the club. Perhaps we should have a group of our own as there are several of us here. This is my third time - I went from 9.3 to 7.6 and am now at 5.7.


Good luck getting your level back.

Yup...I'm reading this...sigh~

@Betty I suspect you're in good company! 😊

@Lauren Thanks...I feel less lonely now. 🙂

And how many are committing acts of violence or having affairs or committing crimes or, the list can go on? At least, some of us are learning.

@pedigojr One is too many.


I would offer to help you get to a higher level quicker, but I will be traveling for the next week or so. If you'll make a post in Just for laughs, or memes R us, there are several members who will give you a hand until I get back. Just post one item, it will get to be a long post by the time they are done. other members should respond with meme post (one at a time please, but as many as you want) responses by other members should be to your post. Give it some time then go back and respond and react to each response. I will have some time tomorrow before I start packing if you post soon.

@glennlab I guess he's not taking your advice! Oh well! I was wanting to help but.......


I had to create a new profile, name, and password. Welcome to the club.


You don't remember your password?

Tejas Level 8 July 4, 2024

That is implicitly clear from what he wrote.

@Flyingsaucesir he said he lost it. It's not new technology. Do people not write down or memorize important information?

@Tejas Don't you think he would have used it if he remembered it, instead of giving up his old status and creating a new account?

It is possible, in fact routine, and exceedingly important, to be able to make logical inferences from implicit information. The world does not usually hand us explicit answers. Yet we must somehow keep moving forward. So we infer, based on available data.

@Flyingsaucesir this is one of the many reasons you're single

@Flyingsaucesir I was moderator of Critical thinking but can't be with my new ID, the group needs good reasoners if you are not already a member, it's gone to crap since I lost Austin-Cambridge!

@Tejas Unless you know Mr. Cambridge well, it is not fair to judge.

@Betty I'm hardly judging. Some thicker skin may be needed if you think so

@Tejas Some people have wonderful memories and some don't. It is not a matter of having a thick skin. It is a matter of respecting the differences.

@ParryHotter I don't know if it's really my bag, but I'll take a look at it. 😎👍


Evidence for the existence of admin here is scant...😂


I write my passwords down and I keep them simple. Easy to remember that way. Asking about admin is like asking if god exists.


When the site first started, the Admin was pretty active. However, in the last few years it seems those who have run the site have stepped back and taken on other priorities. Still, I appreciate that even if he/she/they have lost interest in being hands on, they still left the site up for the rest of us to use.

I agree with you. After all they do have lives to live. The level one is on has no matter except that you feel superior. All about self confidence it s.


They have passwords on this site? Interesting……hope I never need mine?! 🤔

Most sites will ask you if you forgot your password and will send a link to an email address to renew it.

However, this happened to me with Joann's fabric. I changed the password via a link about 6 or 7 times and it NEVER worked. I guess they don't want my business. And hey, I almost called you the other night! At least, I think you sent your phone number to me once.

@Gwen_Wanderer Yes I did…..🙃 I suggest saying hello in a text first. I don’t typically answer any calls from unknown numbers because of the never ending robocalls these days….👀

@Gwen_Wanderer I did get a message from you on here last week I think it was. I was able to read yours, but wasn’t able to send anything out…..😒

@Aaron70 I didn't take down the number, so I didn't call.

@Aaron70 I wrote it down in case I have two minutes when I can't think of anything else to do. 😛

@Gwen_Wanderer Gee, you sure know how to make a guy feel special!?! 😶


What Betty said.

That darned Betty is a smart cookie.

@Gwen_Wanderer Cookies are awesomeness…..especially smart ones!! 😊

@Aaron70 I don't care for stupid cookies. They are tasteless.

@Gwen_Wanderer Who is @Aaron70 and why is he trying to give you cookies?

@Betty you are the cookie--I think Aaron is hitting on you!

@Gwen_Wanderer Ha! Where in the world did you get an idea like that? I still don't know who @Aaron70 is. 🤔

@Betty he's an ok guy! I even spoke with him on the phone.

@Gwen_Wanderer Pretend I'm dense. There is no @Aaron70 on this page and when I click on his handle it says he's not available. did it go from you not caring for stupid cookies to thinking he's hitting on me? I am so lost. Please clear this up.

@Betty I can see him and see his posts and his profile. Maybe he blocked you!

The cookie thread come from me saying you are a "smart cookie." He wrote, "Cookies are awesomeness…..especially smart ones!! 😊" I responded that I did not care for "stupid cookies." I was teasing about him hitting on you per the him liking "smart cookies."

@Gwen_Wanderer Thank you for clearing that up. I haven't blocked anyone so if I can't see him on here, I must assume he blocked me. I don't know why...hmm...he must have a reason... 😕

@Betty strange . . .

@Gwen_Wanderer It's puzzling...His name does not ring a bell. I wonder if I made a comment or post that offended him???...

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