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If you're so sure of your religion ...

snytiger6 9 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Nature is my religion, I'm sure of it.
Try to live without it.


It’s quite pointless to argue with your religious friends about their religion.

I agree . One my best friends is religious and doesn’t even know I’m agnostic.but we are both conservatives


Every Evangelical I've asked that question to said they wanted to SAVE me (us) from making a terrible mistake, becoming that horrific non believer, one that will surely go to hell. They actually believe they are doing us a favor. So, I guess you can't be mad at them for thinking they're actually helping us. As ridiculous as we know that to be, you can't really get MAD at them. They really do believe they are helping us. So we just have to treat them like the ignorant children they're acting like and dismiss it as the silly thing that their belief is. Face it. We all have friends that are believers. Are you going to really stop being friends with them all for this? Of course not. If you do, you will be losing a great deal of friends for a REAL stupid reason. It's just not worth it. 😏 Just learn to deal with them. If they decide to 'un-friend' you over it, then it's their bad. Not yours. Their loss. And maybe one day they will see their mistake. That's about the best we can hope for.

Hell most of my friends here in western Oklahoma are religious so I just avoid discussing religion with them as it’s quite pointless.

@Trajan61 Yep. And that's exactly how you HAVE to handle it. 😉 Now I admit, sometimes religion does come up in casual conversation, and that's when the fun begins. 😂 Well, fun for me at least.

@captfeelgood I do have a few non religious friends and I do enjoy visiting with them about the stupidity of religion. But those friends unfortunately are few and far between here in western Oklahoma.

Evangelicals believe that their book compels them to convert the non-believer.

@Captfeelgood Excellent narrative. i’ve been married for 40 years to my religious wife who is a conservative. The way I look at it religiosity is on the bottom of my list in judging an individual


"Because I am sufficiently arrogant to know that you are wrong, and I am utterly determined to put you to rights!"

Bingo! 🎯


Excellent question! 😎👍

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