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The word of god is perfectly clear ....

snytiger6 9 July 11

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God is something that you've made up in your own mind. If you're mentally deranged so is your god.


Can there be any more wrong interpretation than the Bible?


Last time I checked, it was over 40,000 CHRISTIAN sects. Then there are all the Islamic, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, and Zoroastrian splinters. 😂

Is each splinter a thorn in the side of all the other sects? 😉

@anglophone Yes and no. Islam and Judaism are mutually antagonistic, but Presbyterians and Episcopalians are pretty tolerant of one another. 😂


Asking any god mobster such a question amounts to cruel and unusual punishment.


The denominations are started by those who want you to believe the way they do. Some even thought the other left something out so they put it in. Back in my church dayz a man left our flock because he could not convince them he died that night during prayer service and god brought him back to life. This made him move on. He wanted others to believe so badly that he had been raised from the dead.

Must be the sermon bored him to death?!!🤔


certainly, God is infinite. Why is there only 33,000?

No, God is nil.

@Flyingsaucesir I understand, either you are ignorant or God is. Narcissists don't self reflect.

@Drank_Spear God most likely isn't ignorant, nor is (s)he(it) all-knowing. (S)he(it) doesn't have consciousness, doesn't have a mind, because (s)he(it) doesn't exist.

@Flyingsaucesir you don't say. Then what is consciousness?


Religion claim everything, nature, science and biology.
The just don't have to study well or explain.
They can explain all from a banana.

@Castlepaloma I wasn't talking about religion but OK.

@Drank_Spear are you suggesting consciousness is god?

@Tejas that's a rather limiting belief but part of it.

@Drank_Spear the floor is open to state your beliefs as you see fit. And can you show evidence of things you believe. I personally don't believe in anything without evidence.

@Tejas I've no desire to state my beliefs, however if you wish to view a higher or higher powers in a different light I'd suggest eastern philosophy and science. It's quite different than that of the west which most of us are only taught. If that's not your ticket I'd suggest some good hallucinogenics to help connect to deeper meanings.

@Drank_Spear hallucinations are not reality.

@Tejas take some mushrooms, peyote or DMT and then talk about what is reality. If nothing has ever forced you to examine reality then you'll know little of it.

Of course that's if you want to really have an experience. Otherwise simply live a good life. Be good to yourself and others.


Consciousness is Godlike.

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