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Just wondering, Is there any more evidence for alien life than god?

hankster 9 July 11

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Just as an ant crawling on the ground has no idea that we exist, we may be occupying the same space as other beings in parallel dimensions.

if at all, we could be living here together.

Ants may not "know" we exist but they encounter us daily. We kill ants put them in ant farms and some people have even been killed by ants. They don't possess the intelligence to know things but they definitely have the instincts to know what to do when they encounter us.


To any living thing on a planet that orbits one of the 100 million stars in any of the 10 trillion galaxies we are alien and evidence of life here is a bit of a tell in cartomancy circles.

Postulating on the prospects of super beings does give St Anselm and mathematicians who purport to prove by logic that god(s) exist a foot in the door to be slammed.

we are them more or less?


If life happens here then it happens elsewhere, unlike gods for which there is no evidence so yes is the answer to your cunningly comparative question.


No--but it is probable that alien life exists even if it is microbes.



Evidence no. But probability yes, although it is a very low one, the things needed for life to develop, especially beyond the slime stage, are as far as we know so rare that they almost count as impossible. Yet it is a very big universe, if there was only life on one planet in a million, and that only went on to become an advanced intelligence in one in a million times, that would still be a awful lot of life out there.

Do they visit or observe us ? Probably not. Even if they are far more advanced than us, they would still be constrained by the basic laws of physics, which as far as we know now, are enough to prevent us ever finding another inhabited planet. Especially as it seems likely, from our own experience on this planet, that the development of technically advanced cultures will always lead to extinction.

"Evidence, no", and with just a nod as good as a wink you gainsay the Nazca mummy elucidated below.

Whacks lyrical about anthropogenic destruction in all likelihood however the sun will only permit another billion years of life on this planet.

My gofundme to polevault Earth out past Saturn appears to b ... ou ... onl ... hop ...

@Polemicist A billion years is a long time, we almost certainly will not last a tenth of that time anyway.

@Fernapple I'm prepared to devolve.

@Fernapple many talk about the vast ness of space, but time must also synch with stuff for a meeting to occur, even if they already exist with or near us. 14 billion is a lot of years to tik off
considering how long we been around, and will be, it might last as long as the twinkle of a star. it must be quite possible that apartments are scarce in this universe. so could visitors, or original inhabitants, not be camping secretly somewhere? possibly nearby? set up a camp like we might on mars or some such someday? or maybe they got a grasp of physics allowing them to explore the cosmos like a backyard. lots of pondering to do. pointless except for the fun.

@Polemicist A billion years? It only took us 200+ years to bring on climate change.

@Flyingsaucesir Exactly. The fact that we don't see lots of alien cultures, may just be large distances and bad luck, but it could be proof that technological civilization is always quite quickly fatal.

@Fernapple The longevity of technological civilizations is an important factor in the Drake equation. And so far, that longevity appears to be pretty short.


Is there life other than us in the universe? Almost certainly so, considering all the things needed to make life are in such abundance on many planets. Are aliens visiting earth in secret? Very unlikely, aliens have to follow the laws of physics just as we do. The nearest habitable planet is too far to reach within our lifespan. Even with technology that would allow us to travel 99.9% the speed of light it would still take years to reach the nearest "habitable" planet.

Tejas Level 8 July 11, 2024

they're probably nearby.

@hankster I doubt it. Until evidence suggests otherwise, I don't see any reason to put much thought on it.

@hankster Take off in your rocket ship today and you can be at the nearest star (Alpha Centauri) beyond our sun in only 75,000 years. There are no habitable planets around AC, btw.

@Flyingsaucesir, @Tejas, suit your selves, but it seems entirely feasible to explore the possiblity that visitors OR predecessors to our own occupation of earth are near. the technology these cats posess would certainly surpass our own understanding by light years. thier ability to be stealthy, keen enough to even live on earth. our inability to detect them is no surprise to me. Plus, the scarcity of habitual digs could make earth a valuable stop on some circuit. pitching camp on the backside of Titan could make for a much needed respite before the long slog home. the possibilities cannot be counted. i don't think we can be to assured that we have earth all to ourselves. just wondering.

@hankster it's a matter of physics. Nothing can move at the speed of light (that we know of) except light. So with technology the best you could achieve is 99.9% the speed of light. And even then it would still take years to travel to any planet that could sustain life. In the cosmos our little planet is not special by any means so stopping here as a pit stop seems like a stretch to me.

@Tejas yea, "that we know of", i doubt knowing if our planet is "special" is knowing we have access to. its location alone could be, plus we got ice cream.

@hankster could, if, maybe. Possibly you're right

@hankster Speculation piled on top of pure speculation. Not a shred of empirical evidence. Are you sure you're an atheist? 😂

@Flyingsaucesir agnostic. of course its pure speculaion. i just made the post to kinda poke the crowd into revealing what they think.


Numerous government and military officials have stated that the US is keeping the evidence under wraps. UFOlogy is its own cottage industry. Sen. Harry Reid said the films authenticated by the Pentagon are only the tip of the iceberg. Daniel Sheehan says he was given clearance and viewed photographs of crash retrievals. Salvatore Pais filed a number of reverse engineering patents.

and: []

Evidence for a god is more argued than actual: The Big Bang, Fine Tuning vs the Anthropic Principle, perceived symmetries of physical laws.

god of religion is out of bounds, but otherwise....

A recent government report stated that the government does not have any evidence of extraterrestrials ever having been here.

@Flyingsaucesir The report you reference has been roundly denounced as lying. Daniel Sheehan provided first-hand testimony directly to Sean Kirkpatrick about his having seen the crash recovery photos and yet SK later lied to Congress that he had no such evidence. He is following his orders, but still violating his oath to Congress and the American people. Dozens of other witnesses would testify tomorrow if they could be released from their NDAs, as Schumer's legislation would allow. However, Lockheed's representative is blocking the law in committee.

@racocn8 Sorry, I'm just not buying it. What you are proposing is a conspiracy theory. Not only is the government cover up unlikely to be true, but the likelihood of alien visitation is even less likely. The probability is vanishingly small. I'm treating the subject with the same skepticism and demand for independently-verifiable evidence that I apply to claims of God's existence. And it doesn't pass the smell test either.


No, but there is evidence of life on at least one planet, and there is evidence of other habitable planets, and it's a huge universe. So God's existence remains very improbable, while the existence of extraterrestrial life seems increasingly likely.

best argument for the likelihood of another tenant ive read. the improbababilty of a god is too much assumption for me. peace.

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