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In this episode of his "Enemies List" podcast, Lincoln Project cofounder Rick Wilson interviews Joe Conason, author of "The Longest Con: How Grifters, Swindlers, and Frauds Hijacked American Conservatism." Together they explore the deep connections among Evangelical Christian organizations like the Christian Coalition and the Moral Majority, and Republican movements like McCarthyism, the Tea Party, and MAGA.


Flyingsaucesir 8 July 13

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The Evil Axis of American politics! I started watching Bad Faith last night. It left me very afraid for our future.

I haven't seen it, but I have seen events unfold and listened to enough experts to know that it's a very real threat. We are very close to sliding into authoritarian theocracy. The American Taliban is making its move.

@Flyingsaucesir Absolutely, they have been working and building for this since the early part of the 20th century. The details in this documentary are frightening.

@Barnie2years Let's hand them a stunning electoral loss in November!


good stuff!

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