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Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Trumpty Dumpty had a close call

So far this year there have been 293 mass shootings in the USA.

Wonder if Trumpty will finally consider supporting reasonable gun regulations. That would be a nice change.

As I've mentioned before, rotting in prison is the proper fate for Don the Con. We certainly don't want him to achieve martyr status.

Very sad about the attendee who was killed, and wishing the two others who were injured a speedy recovery.

Unless he left some sort of manifesto, we may never know what possessed the shooter to act so recklessly, as he was killed on the spot by Trump's Secret Service detail.

Dollars to doughnuts Trump finds a way to blame liberals, Democrats, Biden, Pelosi, AOC...take your pick.

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 14

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Who said he could "shoot someone on 5th avenue"...blah blah blah. Who laughed at Mr. Pelosi's plight? Whose rhetoric is provoking? Shame on all who promote violence. A 20 year old incel is not the "they" of which The Donald speaks. He is a registered Republican.

Oh yes, Trump definitely helped create this climate of fear and hate and violence.


The MAGA have already started blaming Biden.

Of course they have! 😂


Actually, I don't think the shooting even happened. I think they were all actors.

I seriously doubt the local police, county sheriff, FBI, and Secret Service would all conspire to create a false narrative about bystanders being killed and injured. No, what appears to have happened actually happened. A lone gunman opened fire and missed by 2½ centimeters (1 inch). At a distance of 100 yards it's easy to miss by that much.

@Flyingsaucesir I guess the sarcasm was lost. The conspiracy theory that offends me more than any other is the one in which the claim is made that the Sandy Hook massacre did not really happen. It has been said, by the MAGA crowd that the victims of Sandy Hook were actors. -SEE?

@MyTVC15 Roger dat. 😎👍

One of the pitfalls of text: no vocal inflection or facial expression. 🤣


It has already started. JD Vance said right away that it was Biden's rhetoric that led to the shooting. And the Proud Boys are planning retaliation Everything in this country, everything about Trump is upside down and backwards. This shooting makes him a martyr.

Technically you have to be dead to be a martyr. Let's just call Trump a lucky idiot.

But you're right; everything Trump is upside down.

He just added a lot of juice to his nomination this week at the RNC.

@Barnie2years This too shall pass.

@Flyingsaucesir Sorry, I will try to be more literal in the future.


could get an infection.

Hope springs eternal 😂

Maybe the shooter used the new virus bullets where if you only got a scratch it would end up killing you.


Slow year so far, but 6 more months for nasty fools to turn into mass murderers

The shooter must have been a mental case. Everything about his actions was ill conceived. He even shot bystanders. Very bad form. I wish he hadn't been killed, so we could hear what he had to say. But even that probably would not tell us much.

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