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The reality these nutters fail to accept is that posting the commandments will have ZERO positive effects on the student body because:
A: Good hearted people with empathy already know instinctively the difference between good and wicked behavior.
B: Wicked evil people completely disregard the commandments anyhow.
Therefore posting them is a redundant waste of time…..πŸ˜‡

Aaron70 8 July 20

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The first three "commandments" are impossible to obey because they relate to a fictional character
The fourth one is just common sense
The fifth is dangerous and does not take in to account individual circumstances
The Sixth and the Eighth, long predate religion, and are in all secular systems of law
The seventh again does not take in to account individual circumstance and when literally translated only refers to extramarital intercourse and nothing else
Breaking the 9th and 10th are the foundation of capitalist society and organized religion, if we all kept them the economies of the world would collapse, as would all the churches.


It's not about having positive effects on the student body. It is about promoting Protestantism over other religions.

I disagree πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

@Aaron70 Name a Catholic version of the Ten Commandments that is publically displayed. Name a Jewish version of the Ten Commandments, the Aseret Hadibrot that is publically displayed.

What does any of that have to do with the fact that they’re displaying it to oppress the ideology on the students?! Go away before I block you for being ignorant and annoying af….πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

@Aaron70 It obviously has a lot to do with it. It oppresses the ideology of Catholics and Jews, as well as the ideology of everyone else who is not Protestant. If you cannot comprehend this very simple and obvious fact then I must block you for being ignorant, annoying, and trollish. This is Go away and allow rational people to speak without being attacked by you.

@Aaron70 Okay, forget about Catholic/protestant, what about Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or atheist students? Unlike UK kids, you guys have a separation of church and state. There are very good historical reasons for this. Bear in mind that at one time the mere act of quoting the bible in English could have had you tortured to death by the established religion.


They also fail to appreciate that raising the profile of the commandments will only expose their weaknesses more, by drawing them more to the students attention and inviting debate.

In the UK we never had your separation of religion and state, indeed the church was deeply built into the education system, and most of the other state institutions. And guess what, the church is almost dead in any real or meaningful terms.

I had suspected this tactic may backfire on them. Apparently it did just that in the UK….πŸ™ƒ


You are 100 percent correct. The big drawback for Evangelicals is that they mostly believe we got our morality from god. This throws it all back to the Commandments which basically states you should have no gods before YHVH. (Throw in the English language vowels on that if you must.)

So, I guess you can have gods after YHWH, as long as YHWH comes first?

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