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This will be interesting. Joe Biden has officially dropped out of the 2024 race.


DenoPenno 9 July 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I was really saddened when I heard the news. Then angry at the Dems who pushed him out. Now I’m focusing that anger into backing Harris and beating trump into the ground.


It's a sad way to end a brilliant career, but it is best for the country. Kamala is going to be a fierce competitor.


Pity genocidal joe doesn't immediately resign the presidency. A better marksman should have had a go.

@FrayedBear You are a very disgusting person. I will let that sink in for a day or so before I block your Russian troll ass. Good riddance.

If a better marksman would of had a go then Trump would be dead. 🙂

@Scott321 still rabitting on that US has not been facilitating & promulgating genocide in Ukraine & Gaza? Being blocked by deviants such as yourself is reflection on your despicable beliefs & guilt.

@FrayedBear Bye bye.


Now watch the Dems choose Harris, out of identity politics and giving the party insiders who they want, rather than instead choosing the best candidate for beating Trump, as they simply can't put winning ahead of their own agenda of choosing someone they can control, and who is favored by the insiders, unlike the Repubs, who actually care more about winning, than about those things. I am great with a black woman being president, but Harris is even less electable than Biden. Funny how that bullshit argument about electability was used against Bernie both times, even tho he would have beaten Trump in a landslide both times, but the Dem Party leaders always care more about getting the candidate they want, than about winning or choosing someone the voters would want..

WTF already? We’re doomed then. I’m fine with Kamala.

@Scott321 I would be fine with her as president too, tho I would prefer others, but my priority is winning and beating Trump, unlike the Dem Party leaders, so I don't want her as the nominee, when there are others who I think would have a better chance of beating Trump. Much as I would like to think otherwise, most American voters are too sexist and racist, at this time, to elect a black woman, despite what they might say in polite company, or tell pollsters. We saw lots of that same hidden sentiment back in 2016, when they told pollsters they supported Hillary, but actually supported Trump, It was called Trump Shame, where the voters pretend to be more open-minded and better, than they actually are and feel about things.. I am sincere about beating Trump, but I have lost faith in the party leaders, as far as them actually feeling that way about it too, despite all their doom talk about Trump..

@TomMcGiverin Tensions are high amongst Dems. I liked both Warren and Harris last election cycle. Warren is 75 though. We need youngsters. Obama was young and blackish. I voted for him twice.

@Scott321 If they really want to win, they will pick Whitmer, but I have little faith that the party leaders will be that strategic and sincere about wanting to win and beat Trump.. As for Warren, I have hated her ever since she sold out Bernie and stayed in the race last time, after it was long already clear that she had no chance of winning the primaries, but like the fake progressive she is, she refused to drop out and throw her support to Bernie. Instead, she promoted a phony bullshit smear about the Bernie Bros, and how Bernie supposedly dissed her about how she had no chance of winning because she was a woman, etc.. I don't know what Obama promised her behind the scenes four years ago, when she stayed in just long enough to kneecap Bernie and deny him the nomination, so Biden could win, but she sure doesn't seem to have gotten anything for her betrayal, so it just confirms to me, that her political instincts are terrible..

And if she were a true progressive and had any integrity, she would have aided Bernie in beating Biden for the nomination, instead of colluding to sell him out. No wonder most progressives have never trusted her since then, nor should they..

A lot of it has to do with practicality. Biden/Harris has committed delegates and campaign money. Harris can claim those votes and money whereas any other candidate would struggle.

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