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Clinton's lie was about personal behavior in a private context. Did anyone believe him when he said he didn't inhale? Maybe some did, but most people figured that he was lying. Did anyone care? No! His experimentation with marijuana was not a matter of national importance.

Trump's intention to turn the United States into a theocratic dictatorship, on the other hand, IS something of national importance.

Does anyone believe him when he says he knows nothing about Project 2025? Nope! Why would we?

First, everyone knows that if the Donald's lips are moving, he's lying.

Second, MAGA is a strong-man personality cult. MAGA acolytes are counting on Trump to implement Project 2025.

Third, Project 2025 is a MAGA wet dream.

Fourth, most of the authors of Project 2025 worked in the Trump White House and/or on Trump's campaign(s).

Fifth, Trump has said over and over that he is fighting for Christians/Christianity. (Remember when Trump launched a paramilitary force against peaceful protesters in Lafayette Square so that he could pose with a Bible in front of a church? The symbolism was unmistakable.)

Sixth, Trump said explicitly that he would be a dictator on day one. (The part where he said "only" on day one of his second presidency? That was a lie.)

Does anyone care? Yes! Many of Trump's supporters (Christian nationalists, neo-Nazis, Hell's Angels, etc.) want, wish for, fervently desire an authoritarian takeover.

And the majority of us view that prospect with horror. We want this American experiment in representative democracy to continue. It's had its ups and downs, but overall its arc bends towards justice. So yeah, we care. A lot.

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump has his followers so messed up in the head that my drunken neighbor told me Donnie is a billionaire and last time he was POTUS he paid off the national debt. He also claimed inflation is at 82 percent and refused to believe anything I showed him about it Online.

Wow, that's seriously FUBAR 😐

sounds as if that fella was probably no more on target with stuff before the chump got a hold of him. got a headstart, pre-challenged.


donnie don't have to do much with 2025 except lie the stuff the creators wish. he gets to blow the sails while the party works the rudder. they've got their blueprint and they're anxious. i can try to hope they'll cease, but honestly i figure they ain't leaving. peace y'all.

I didn't mean to imply that I think for one minute that Trump cares a whit about Christianity, or anything else for that matter, outside of what is in his own best interest.

@Flyingsaucesir i would never accuse you of such. 😆


I agree, if Donnie's lips are moving he is lying out his a$$.

if there not, he's dreaming one up or there's a slight chance he's trying to recall one.

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