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How does the Biden/Harris record stack up against previous administrations? Let's take a look.

Biden and Harris passed the largest economic recovery plan since FDR.

They passed the biggest infrastructure bill since Eisenhower.

They passed the second biggest healthcare plan since LBJ (Obama/Biden passed the biggest one).

They placed more judges on the bench than any other president since JFK.

They passed the biggest gun control bill since Clinton.

They passed the biggest climate change bill of any country in the world ever in history.

Under their watch the economy grew steadily, adding 14.8 million new jobs as of January 2024.

Under Biden and Harris, the unemployment rate stayed under four percent for the longest stretch in more than 50 years.

They brought manufacturing of critically important microprocessor chips back to the USA.

They drove down the global pandemic/Ukraine-war-caused inflation rate below that of any other country.

They achieved all this while managing the worst public health crisis since Wilson;

and the largest land war in Europe since Truman;

with the narrowest majority on Capitol Hill of any Democratic president in 100 years.

In fact, the Biden/Harris team accomplished more in four years than most administrations do in eight.

It's a truly remarkable set of accomplishments. Can we have more of that, please? πŸ˜πŸ˜ƒπŸ€©

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 27

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No matter how many times these stats are rolled out the right does not believe it. It is hard to quantify perception especially when income inequality is still huge. The haves have 'lost' more ground than the havenots have gained but since the disparity was so vast to begin with it was not so evident with the inflation issue in the mix. Inflation is down and the 0% interest bullshit is not sustainable so people just need to get the fuck over the mortgage rate 'thing'. The housing issue is a whole nuther issue.
The short term memory problem people in the U.S. suffer from and their basic lack of knowledge means they fail to realize inflation always follows a crisis such as the world faced starting in mid 2020. The Biden admin did add to inflation but the help people received and his policies have shown they worked as the U.S. economy is leading the world.
NO admin is gonna solve the mid east problem and Russia is the aggressor. Biden's job is to up hold the Constitution and protect the U.S. and it's citizens. and now for coffee.

People on the right do not believe what is true, and do believe a whole bunch of wacko conspiracy theories that are not true (e.g. that COVID-19 vaccines are designed to kill people, that Democrats are blood-sucking pedophiles, that the 2020 election was stolen, that the Jewish president of Ukraine is secretly a Nazi, that Donald Trump is a victim of a witch hunt, etc., etc.) It's truly pathetic.


The Biden-Harris administration has brought about rampant inflation and global conflict that threatens to engulf the world in nuclear Armageddon. It’s the most corrupt and radical regime in American history that hopefully will be defeated in November by a large margin!

Yeah it's been clear for a long time that you would rather knuckle under to that cheap crook, ex-KGB agent, and oligarch's oligarch, Vlad the Invader. (A truly pathetic and cowardly response, btw. I don't know how you can look at yourself in the mirror.)

Biden did not invade Ukraine, nor did he attack Israel. He did not bring about global conflict. In fact he brought NATO closer together than ever and the NATO countries are contributing more to that alliance than they ever have. And prices are high because big corporations are gouging us []

@Trajan61 I happen to notice that the only things you post are anti-Democrat/pro-Trump. Just so you know a campaign of positivity is going to go much further that one of hate and divisiveness and Trump is promising to "stay mean". I do not know why you want to be divisive and mean, but good luck with it.

Trajan61 is just our resident Christian Nationalist Troll, he adds a little color to the conversation ……

@Dhiltong Can't have a balanced discussion without a troll, I guess.

@MyTVC15 It just shows that we have at least one cult member among us.

@MyTVC15 Prices are high because of the Biden administration’s crazy agenda!

@Trajan61 Prices are high for a lot of reasons, among them that the money grubbing capitalists are gouging prices. I believe I already posted a link to a reliable source on the subject. And, as I have already said, the US (under Biden's admin) has recovered better than any country in Europe. So yeah, my wallet hurts right now too, but it not everything can be blamed on the president.

@Trajan61 Prices are high here in the UK. Should I blame Biden for that?
Inflation is an international problem and has very little to do with govt. policies. That said, can you name any country's administration that has reduced inflation while simultaneously reducing unemployment?

@MyTVC15 Russia invaded Ukraine because of Biden’s weakness. The Mideast turmoil is a direct result of the Obama and Biden administration’s policy of appeasement of Iran the number one sponsor of world terror and is very similar to the British and French appeasement of Nazi Germany prior to WW ll.

@Trajan61 Apparently Trajan61 as with most Americans aren't aware the latest inflation actually started in earnest during the 2nd. quarter of 2020. Let's see who was President then? Oh ya it was Trump! One of the only thing Trump has said that was actually true is his love of the gullible, under educated and easily conned............


And btw, He accomplished this is two years actually, not four, because the house has been deadlocked for the last 2 years.

His agenda brought about the worst inflation ever so yes he accomplished that in short order.

@Trajan61 This inflation was caused by three factors, none of which were things any president could control:

  1. Hiccups in the global supply chain, some pandemic-related, some not (e.g. the blocking of the Suez Canal could have happened at any time.)

  2. Tightening of the global oil and gas supply due to Putin's war in Ukraine. (Capitulating to the tyrant was never an option, but Biden was able to lessen the pinch significantly by releasing oil from the US strategic supply. Also, the US under Biden/Harris is the biggest producer of fossil fuels in the world.)

  3. Price gouging on the part of corporations. Of the 3 factors, this one is the biggest. And there's very little any administration can do to stop it in the short term. Especially if they do not have majorities in both the House and Senate, which Democrats have not had for going on 2 years now. How do we know that price gouging was such a big factor? Just look at corporate profits; they're way up.

@Trajan61 "Relative to pre-pandemic trends, economic output continues to fall short. However, the United States has performed better than other G7 economies (and the Euro area) with real GDP just 1.4 percent below trend. The fast recovery in the United States reflects a more complete recovery in domestic consumption."


I think that Biden was the right person for the times and now Harris is the right person for the next phase. I feel so much better now and the way the party has rallied around her gives me great hope.

Man oh! Man!!! the US is in very deep doo* doo

@Castlepaloma Not the way things are going right now. I think we are going to be just fine.


Not when a cartoon predicts and programs your future.

@Castlepaloma It is either a coincidence or the people that write the Simpsons are very intelligent people who are in touch with what is going on around them. I'm really not that worried about it.

@Castlepaloma I agree and it’s because of the crazy agenda of the Biden administration.

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