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Trump 'Spiraling, Whining, and Miserable' as Kamala Surges

The American people voted Trump out the last election.

Trump's plan to get elected now:
Proclaim he will be a dictator.
Lie a lot.
Hate more.
Lie more often.
Rely on rich fascists to fund him.
Lie, Lie, Lie...
Grab pussy more.
Lie for the hell of it.
Bad-mouth more.
Lie some more
Rely on ignorant, stupid, fact rejecting, reality denying, cult followers to elect him.
Lie, repeat lies, lie, repeat...
Shit his diaper full more often, change it less often.
And if all else fails, lie more - oh, and sell pictures of Melania wearing nothing but his gold sneakers, MAGA cap, and drinking from his "bulletproof whiskey glass".

nogod4me 8 Aug 12

Enjoy being online again!

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A big movement on to bring back crooked Joe. Of course. He is going out of his way to show you that Kamala is not a black woman. This is because she is part black and part Indian. Trump wants to know when she turned black. He cannot be beat by a black woman and that two part mix does not count. Either one or nothing. What does this crap do when Obama was only half black? Trump is an idiot and thinks most of us are too.


He had no plan B, he thought he would just roll comfortably over Biden and triumphantly return to the White House. Like Mussolini he was consumed by dreams of riding into Cairo on a white horse unable to grasp it was by no means a slam dunk. Now he has no time to organize a professional campaign (Not that he ever would,) so he's doubling down on the lies and hate that just barely squeaked him into office in 2016. Ain't gonna work against a strong popular candidate running a full bore professional campaign. He's still gonna claim he won in November, but can't imagine it will work any better than it did in 2020. Good times.

Trumps plan B appears to be leaving the USA if he loses this election.


Flush Trump.



He looks more ghastly than usual. I hope he's getting his rest, he's an old dude after all. I suspect running for President is too taxing for him. Maybe he should call the whole thing off.

If it looks like he is really gonna go down in flames I could see him quitting at the last minute and blaming his supporters, the political equivalent of bankruptcy.


Couldn't imagine presidential selecting keeps getting worst,. The one thing I keep getting mistaken on, ever since JFK.


"Liberace" sprang to my mind nanoseconds before Chris said it, I LOL'd.

Trump pointed out that: "People dying financially because they can't buy bacon."

He is just a stupid idiot.

@nogod4me since he never actually bought a grocery item in his life (illegal aliens he "employed" (I mean enslaved) did that for him, how is it he would have One Clue?

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