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I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions on this.

Unity 8 Aug 20

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I have heard it said that "Men fall in love by missing the partner". Some men need more space than others in order to settle.


I would imagine that it would depend on personality and what stage he is in life.

A good foundation in a relationship in my opinion is essential. Honest and consistent communication encourages respect and builds trust. I appreciated that in my relationship, we were each other's safe place. To me, that is peace.

Betty Level 8 Sep 18, 2024

I have heard that from a number of guys on reddit, who say that a big thing they are seeking from dating is women who bring peace to their life, whatever that means. My take on it is that they mean something that is the opposite of women who bring drama or high maintainence demands into their life..


There are a lot of people who find the tranquility of peace to be boring. I think it's a lot more complex than that, and it sometimes includes beauty, money and status ... perhaps it's more often someplace where we feel safe.

A Lot depends on what went on beforehand...I positively Treasure Peace and Quiet.

@annewimsey500 It does indeed. Violence should never be integrated into excitement. I'm so glad you finally found some much deserved peace and quiet.


It was when he finally left that I understood peace. AND quiet!

@silverotter11 That's how I felt about the break up with my last relationship. I told this person how not to treat me or not to do and he didn't listen, thought it was funny when I would get upset then get upset when I would lose my shit and then blame me for causing drama! The day I stopped talking to him was when I was at peace! Never again, I'm already going through stress and I don't need someone to add unnecessary stress to my already existing stress! FUCK THAT!!!

@michelle666gar I've heard people end a relationship over one of two things - money or sex - we had great sex but when my high paying job ended and I expected to take up some of the bills, like his share it all went south. I did the same thing, stopped talking and stopped cooking for him.

@silverotter11 We gotta do what we gotta do for ourselves and our sanity! Happy you're doing well!

@silverotter11 I'm better off alone! Lol!!!


Not all. There are many men who seek chaos and adventure. They join militias, become mercenaries, cops, spies or terrorists. Seeking to disturb the lives of those seeking peace.

That would be the classic bad boy types, that some women are drawn to, who are never going to be domesticated or willing to settle down with a woman.


Hey, U, is that Idris Elba ?? Great actor !!

Yes, it is. His image is used often for memes


I think that should apply equally to a woman. Peace and serenity in a relationship are definitely things to strive for. But, other factors should be in there along with peace. A good sense of humor, understanding, compatibility and attraction.

After the drama, in very different ways, of 2 marriages, I am happy with my sometimes silly dog. Period.

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