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Go to church they said!! You will like it they said!! 😇

Aaron70 8 Sep 2

Enjoy being online again!

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A little bit of critical thinking and an "I don't give a crap what others think" attitude kept me safe from religious belief and church going.


And this is what seems to be a driving force for the Christian Nationalists. As more scandals are made known (like FFRF's Black Collar Crime. [] people are leaving and that hurts the power hungry clergy. If you can't get people to come willingly lets try and force them to come. Still, I noted only 17-19% of people quit coming. If there's a problem with the leader get rid of him and problem solved. Or it only means a new leader will have to be more careful as it's about the human (not the God) in charge not the belief.


You will like it if you believe that your god has a plan and everything past, present, and future is written down in a book.

The "plan" can be changed at any time just by talking to yourself.

@jlynn37 It works wonders for those who believe it.

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