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If you believe in more than just what you see in the mirror, then you aren’t an atheist. Many on this site are anti-religious, not truly atheists. There’s a big difference. The difference lies in how one defines a higher power. Many self-identified atheists here rely on others’ definitions of God, rejecting what’s presented to them rather than formulating their own understanding. They often have no original thoughts to offer, only responses to what others have provided.

Drank_Spear 7 Sep 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Overall what you or anyone else calls a higher power is meaningless. One day it will be like none of us even existed. Our technology our everything will be like it never was.

Tejas Level 8 Sep 12, 2024

exactly, all earthly things will be lost. All matter will cease to exist. If all you are is matter then you will cease to exist. Enjoy life!


Atheism mansplained. @@


I'm going to have to cut you loose. Not only is your mental masturbation boring...but, you are kind of dank and skank. buh bye

Leetx Level 7 Sep 7, 2024

Atheism a lack of belief in God?

Atheism is one thing: A lack of belief in gods.

Atheism is not an affirmative belief that there is no god nor does it answer any other question about what a person believes. It is simply a rejection of the assertion that there are gods. Atheism is too often defined incorrectly as a belief system.

That's why gather here at, none of us knows. Because human beings are incapable of knowing and can not be 100% correct for everything is always changing or evolving. Plus just the earth alone by human knowledge is 99% unknowns its earths mass. Which is 6 km beneath the surface of the earth. Talk about many other dimension of a rabbit holes.

incapable of knowing? Speak for yourself. Not every single human being alive or ever alive.

Are you all knowing and all truth of the 99% unknowns?
I speak for myself for what ever I know and what I don't known and sometimes get recorreted and keeping it simplified. There is only perspective no one reallty. My adult attitude for the world is what ever works. If someone want to identify as a lamps shade and put a light bulb up their butt, go for it If it doesn't harm anyone, It's just don't force me to believe in it or make it a mandate.

@Castlepaloma yes, no one forces you to believe, do they? No one forces me to believe anything other than the political system, world system, etc but I don't believe in these systems. I also don't believe in religious systems. Those of you that define me in that way make me giggle. I know of things outside of you as you know of those outside of me. This is the way it is always. But to shut oneself off to ideas outside of their current beliefs or non beliefs is willful ignorance. That's where I take issue is with the shutting off of new information by many individuals, I dare say the majority of individuals in the world today.


I'll give it to you, your more expansive thought provoking than most and I'm alway open. It's just when beliefs run pass my BS detector, I'll limit my time. My personal heirachary individualism works more efficient than political God's or Religious supertistion. Or any centroism ultimate powers that all end up corrupted systems. I'll take any good bits from any group and then incorporate into my world. With all the other tons of toxic garbage to be throw out.

@Castlepaloma as it should be, however one thing a lot of people don't understand or don't do is in order to receive new information one must let go of the old. So it's not so much about receiving the new as it is about letting go of the old. That's where most folks have trouble including myself.


I believe in radio waves and cell and satellite beams, etc. Not sure how we connect this to a god.

you don't believe, you recognize it. Some things people don't recognize. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, only means it's not recognized.

@Drank_Spear Correct. Let me explain. I do not "believe in" but I know they are there.

@DenoPenno there need be no God as it's defined by the people here.


I prefer to think I am exercising my Right to think what I please and ignore idiots like you.

you may like to think it but the fact is you aren't ignoring me. Obviously your thoughts and reality aren't one in the same. It's unfortunate that you're that fucking stupid but not surprising.

@Drank_Spear ummm, you state below your aim in posting is to stir people up......sometimes me too, and Mission Accomplished for the day! Fool!

@annewimsey500 It's only to allow you to understand how easily manipulated you are. As for calling me names....that's hilarious! Grow up! LMAO

@Drank_Spear feeling you are manipulating others (or even wanting to) is a sure sign of mental illness, get help Now.

@annewimsey500 Blessings my dear.

@annewimsey500 you are manipulated by Kamala’s hairy 🐫. Ewwww. Free your mind


Why do I have to fit into what you think I should be. As long as I am happy in what I am, if you don't like it, you can shove it up your ass.

I have no feelings either way. I simply state facts, if they upset you then pull them out of your ass.

@Drank_Spear suck on this one-
Brilliant. World now enforce it.

@FrayedBear what about it? It is what it is. Get your panties in a bunch or don't.


Understand this. There is no such thing as a true atheist.

This is what the religious minds, like yours, fail to grasp. There is no such thing as a true atheist, (Though there may be truthful and untruthful ones, just like anyone else.) because atheism is not a belief system, or a world view, atheism is just what you say, anti-theism, the rejection of theist claims, nothing more. And while, many may include atheism as part of their many different world view/beliefs, nobody but religious people opposed to it, ever claimed that it is itself a world view, certainly not the honest and informed among atheists. It is a strawman view of atheists that there could ever be such a thing as a "true atheist", or a false one

You have to escape the view propagated by the religious world view, that everything has to be a belief, a world view, provide benefits, or provide answers to questions. I know that that is very hard for religious people like yourself, because you have been indoctrinated to see everything is either a benefit of false, but the two dualities "true and false" and "likable or dislikable" are quite different, even though they may overlap sometimes.

Yet promoting the thought that anything which benefits me, must be true, is how your slave masters play you. Most honest atheists accept atheism exactly because it provides nothing at all, no answers, no demands and no benefits, because atheism is simply a form of honesty, and some people value honesty alone in its own right, not as an answer to anything, but just for itself.

Well stated.

I admire your patience and tenacity. If anyone has a chance to get through to him, my money is on you. 🥰

you're ignorant and it shows. I've never endorsed any religion. Prove otherwise or understand you are projecting. It's very common and most don't have any clue they are doing it.

On a side note I have to chuckle to myself as I wrote this post specifically to trigger the people on this site and it worked as all my other triggers work. 3 paragraphs worth of triggered emotions.

@Fernapple: But wait!!! You are using Logic and Thinking on this poster.....silly Fernapple!

@annewimsey500 I admire his willingness to try and teach rational thought and logic. That is a quality that is sorely lacking in Drank_Spear.

@Drank_Spear Who said you endorsed a religion ? I said a religious mind.

And I am more than willing to respond to your triggers, but you will I think never understand why.

@Fernapple your triggers my friend.

A religious mind? Again, prove it or you're projecting.

I guess there is also no true Scottsman. 🙂

@DenoPenno Well I'm one. Regarding the word "atheist". It was first coined In the UK in the 16th century and just meant "godless". I was born without belief in any gods and I have never aquired any despite the best efforts of the minister in the village church. I couldn't care less what Mr Spear or any other believer calls me as it is totally meaningless.

@Drank_Spear False dichotomy, even if I could not prove it, it would not mean that I was projecting.

But the proof is, that you obviously value "triggering" as you call it, a thing which can be of no material value to you, and must therefore be of emotional value. Just why it is of mental value to you, and what that tells me about you, you are not yet ready to hear, and besides I still have some more milage myself get from you first.

@Fernapple You realize I don't pull the trigger, you all do. Your emotional reactions are your responsibility. Grow up.

@Drank_Spear Like I say I do not mind in the least answering your triggers. But what makes you think that there is any emotion involved ?

@Fernapple your responses do. What you choose to respond to and how you choose to respond to it. It's quite obvious. You want and seek conflict rather than understanding. Your concept of understanding seems to be having others understand your beliefs and agree with them. This is why you are here. This is what you do. My goal is to highlight that. I doubt it will work but I've got the spare time so why not.

@Drank_Spear Wrong again. You could not be more wrong. LOL

Ps Your comment is self contradictory, since how could someone, want and seek conflict, at the same time as wanting understanding and agreement ?

@Fernapple doing the opposite of what one thinks they desire happens all the time. Wake up!

@Drank_Spear So do you want conflict, or for people to understand your ideas and agree with you ?

@Fernapple none of the 3

@Fernapple You see this is a big part of the problem. You and others are trying to attach motives to my posts. There's no motive in my posts other than to get people to fucking think outside their tiny little fucking boxes.

I'm not blasting you or anyone else. You don't want a different perspective then turn me off. I don't give a fuck. I don't enjoy talking to people with closed minds. it sucks.

I don't want people to think what I think. I want people to think what they think, not what the media thinks, not what the govt thinks, not what school told you to think but actually fucking think for yourselves.

@Drank_Spear Sounds like an interesting plan. Would you know if you succeeded ?

@Fernapple I plant seeds

@Drank_Spear Yes but how would you know if they grow ? I am engaged on exactly the same mission. So I would really like to know your success measure.

@Fernapple you think you'll get a different answer if you ask the question again? Surely you're not that fucking stupid.

@Drank_Spear I don't want a different answer only an enlargement on the answer. Surely you are not that stupid, and surely you are not that stupid you would think that I can't see an evasive answer and why its given when I see one. LOL

@Fernapple yes, nervous laughter. Let your anxiety out.

@Drank_Spear In your dreams. But like I say, it was not a trick question, I really am interested in promoting free thinking, and genuinely interested in the methods, definitions and fail/success criterion of others.

@Fernapple I have no such criteria.

@Drank_Spear You mean you never gave it a thought, fair enough, well think about it now. And then free thinking moves forward.

@Fernapple I see, if I think as you tell me then I'm a free thinker.

@Drank_Spear No, there are many ways to free thinking, and I am open to most of their conclusions. But you self defined as a free thinker, but how do you self define, if first you don't define ?

If I may be so bold, to prevent long stalling, I would say having watch you for a bit, that you would define free thinking as. Not allowing the institutions of government, organized religion, organized science, or mass media, to define the criteria or evidence you use when thinking. And that you would perhaps define, promoting free thinking as encouraging others to do the same.

( But if you chose to go with that, then you are letting tell you what a free thinker is. )

@Fernapple No one define things for me nor do I define things for others.

@Drank_Spear Then why claim. "I don't want people to think what I think. I want people to think what they think, not what the media thinks, not what the govt thinks, not what school told you to think but actually fucking think for yourselves."

@Fernapple it's not a claim, it's a desire. I suppose you're going to go into some savior routine? I could care less about "saving" anyone. No one needs saved. But to expand one's life, to evolve, that is doable. It won't be done via those means listed though.

@Drank_Spear I go along with that. And with try to fucking think for yourself outside the boxes, as a value. ( There now, that was not hard, was it. When you stop being defensive and thinking I am trying to trick you. )

@Fernapple It is good you ask questions. Now release what you know.

@Drank_Spear What I know is this. ( Sorry a bit long.)

Fish swim, birds fly and moles dig, but what do humans do, what is our super power ? The traditional answer is. We don't have one. But I think that is wrong, what we are is the lying animal, our special superpower is deciept. We lied to each other to create society, but then we even lied to the wolves, and told them we loved them, so that they would do our hunting for us. Then we told the same lie to the horse, so that it would let us ride swiftly on its back. Then the cow, the pig, the goat....etc. etc.

Even though most of these are big powerful animals who could all kill us, yet they all fell for it, even though our pretend love did not stop us eating their children.

And even the basis of all human culture, language, is basically a lie. For very few words, save perhaps a few names like cuckoo and chickadee, have any real connection to the things they mean. And when once you have parted even the most basic components of language and culture, from any contact with reality, then you can use them how you like. Human culture is just the pretence that you can measure and hold in place, the moving waves on a sea of lies.

And from that it means that you can take nothing you are given, as truth, ( Even assuming we do not live in the proverbial matrix, or Plato's cave. ) Which is why I can agree with you about, institutions of government, organized religion, organized science, or mass media. But at that point we part company, because I go one step beyond that.

@Fernapple so what if we part company?

@Drank_Spear No problem. See you around.

@Fernapple seeking agreement is seeking validation. Do you need your thoughts validated? I need no validation. I simply wish to plant seeds and what grows, grows, what doesn't doesn't.

@Drank_Spear No I need no validation, just like you. But I do quite frequently agree with people around here, just because you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

@Fernapple if you're into flies, I'm not.

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