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Are you winning and enjoying throughout these hard times? For a couple of years I was sad, worried and depressed, not now. I've have learn to play the matrix game and back on to my dreams, not the American dream that make you asleep to experience it.

Nephillim, satanists, globalists, aliens. War. HAARP Attacks. Monkeypox, bird flu, Kill Gates’ pets… genetically modified mosquito death jabs. Climate change propaganda. Digital IDs. Vaccine passports. Cyber attacks. Blackouts. Invading armies of imported terrorists. Stopping war on children just long enough to kill them with lethal injections and fat trannies. Complete Societal Breakdown. After all this , still life is a dream, a game, a movie for me, how about you?

It’s The Matrix, the TrueMAN Show, Lord of the Rings, and Hunger Games all packaged into one crazy, exhilarating rollercoaster ride. It’s a 5-star Video Game simulation where the Controller’s goal is to influence our decisions without us knowing it; numb our senses without us feeling it; control our lives without us realizing it. Our goal is to survive and even stronger in mind and boby.

For a better state of our current physical reality. Work on yourself mind, body, and spirit firstly. . MSM mind control and broad “casting” that keeps humanity trapped in cycles of individual and collective trauma and control
Predictive programming and the movies that reveal what the psychopaths are doing,
The most important action you can take to change your consciousness/state of awareness of who you really are and how your mind can change your reality, and
How to enjoy this wild ride during this transition time in our human history.
Hopefully, you know by now that the Matrix is set up to keep you enslaved. Are you ready to exit the collapsing West and avoid the next plandemic, forced lethal injections, poisoned food and water, 15-minute quarantine cities with 24-hour surveillance, and a killer social credit system? It’s not easy, but not impossible, either.

Castlepaloma 8 Sep 13

Enjoy being online again!

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Drop out man. Get into a hobby, start a garden. No point carrying the weight of the world's problems on your shoulders, too heavy dude. Brings you down.
Peace and love.

NB Gee I miss Hippies.

puff Level 8 Sep 13, 2024

Only during the plandemic it was too much weight on my shoulders. Loving my work again of urban farming sculptures, tiny house community. Being able to move in the direction of being of service for humanity, is the best health institution ever. Being aware of the shit show just help prepare me for worse to come.. Anarchist entrepreneur gathering world wide have grown rapidly like non belivers and their push backs. . Much more optimistic about the world. The east nations are more adapting to the old happy hippy days and good time of North America 50s good times. What gose around , comes around.

Alway alot more to learn and to enjoy wail watching your back

Thank you mate.

@Castlepaloma Yeah we're alive, life. We share with other life. Human life interests me, most likely because I'm human. But living also means interacting with all other life for me. Human's are a part of that for me, not the whole. Gotta keep the mind ticking over which is mainly about humans.
Love to go for a tumble wash in the surf every now and then. Clears all the orifices, a bit of a sand blast. Reminds you you're alive and what's it all about.


You sound more pessimistic than what you are trying to appear to be, be optimistic, Trump will soon be gone.

Oh contrair, only belong to the optimistic club. For all of the centralism, hit on the head lesson clubs. Aims to all be ultimateally most powerful, and are too corrupted . Their maybe no letter I, in team. Yet there is in independence, individualism and in integrity. Our team and circle already like each other. and are more efficient.

@Castlepaloma So, you agree Trump will be gone soon.


More likely people are done with politicans and mainstream media. It will be a wail before things gets better

@Castlepaloma Trump does destroy everything he gets involved in.

@nogod4me And what is the alternative? This admin blew up Nord Stream but curtail the economy chasing a new "green" society. They sabotaged a peace resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths in 2022, well after Trump left office. They abandoned the women and children of Afghanistan in such a way they suffer unnecessarily, all to coincide with the anniversary of Sept 11th for political brownie points. They altered demographics rapidly causing social upheaval. They veto UN resolutions against whole world opinion. They enable religious extremists to fulfil their god's prophecy. They devalue economic might by promoting a lack of confidence in the $USD.

But Trump will destroy everything.

@puff Some people do not follow the Trump agenda enough to know what is going on. Some think a POTUS can just snap his fingers and something is done. Some that think this way are among us and are Cult 45. Others do not even live in America. My insurance lady told me today that Biden could just order the border shut down and it would be done. She thinks that would end the issue. She forgets that this action could be questioned legally in a way that would cripple the order. She seems also to forget that our Southern border is a favorite talking point of Donald Trump. That border and the illegals were both there before Trump arrived, but so goes the world. 🙂

@DenoPenno Don't really care about the border, up to you guys.

But Trump would not have approved, given the go ahead, of the destruction of Nord Stream. He may well have been in the loop planting them there, but I don't think he would have pulled the trigger. He is worldly, far more than US politicians. That one is going to come back and bite the US on it's arse big time. Short term gain, long term reputational damage.
This Ukraine confrontation with Russia has been a long term NATO plan, since 2008 at least, announced by GW Bush. Trump is not enarmed with NATO. He would have "Cut a deal". Peace.
Hundreds of thousands are dead both sides now.
He would have pulled out of Afghanistan differently. Less Chaotic.
Would he have instructed the US UN vote to veto ceasefires against the whole world, well and truly have the US stand alone for Israel? Perhaps he might have, perhaps not.

All these decisions affect the world. So as a foreigner Trump is not devil incarnate nor the Messiah. He is just a better choice than the mungbeans running the shit show at the moment in the "States". These mungbeans make Trump the attractive choice for the rest of un non-Americans.

@puff You must have watched another debate if you saw the debate at all. Now Trump is saying he won and he thinks the mods should be called out for fact checking him when he was right. He thinks they should lose their jobs. He also still believes he has had the biggest crowds of any president ever, and he says he can prove it. Just another Trumpism by a deranged man and something that nobody could ever prove with no data to go by. Am I unfair or just on the side of the mugbeans? I'm voting with Dick Cheney this year.

@DenoPenno Domestic issues.
If you approve of US foreign policy, you are a mungbean and neocon who loves war for profit. Just like Cheney.

@puff I'm done. 🙂

@DenoPenno So is Trump.


That's one hell of an obsession over one guy Trump. The way some lefty act, they should marry him. They talk about him all the time


Thought Dick Cheney died out with Darth Vader.

@Castlepaloma NOT for long.

@Castlepaloma No, I'm voting with Dick Cheney this year.

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