8 7

A church in Kansas (of course) is showing its true colors and it’s actually drawing new members. More proof of the tendency to violence for religious fanatics. []

pedigojr 6 Sep 16

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Too much money. They would not be able to afford the gifts, if they had to pay proper taxes.

But it is in the church tradition, after all the early church got a lot of members just by giving away bread and wine. Since in the early days it was probably real bread and wine, not a wafer and a sip of sterilized grape juice like they give today. But then they got greedy.

Interesting idea. If a weapon is bought by a religious group can it get the weapon tax free!?


Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war.


As always, you don't have to worry about the god just the fan club


Didn't you know that the Soldiers of Christ are authorised by God to kill Satan's Servants?

Lock your door and turn out the lights. 😉

@Betty You have given my mind to boggle!

That is a bad habit of mine. 😉

@Betty I lock my door always but if anyone breaks in they might not like what they find once inside.


The so called reverend is trying to get more people to join. It’s a a marketing ploy. A disgusting one at that.




Christians embracing Jihad. Lovely.


I guess it is true. You can justify just about anything. All you need to do is pick and choose, twist what you like and make it fit what you want. Damn the consequences.

Betty Level 8 Sep 16, 2024

Well that's fine, but they can't legitimately claim to be a Christian church. Jesus would not have been into guns. Something about loving thy neighbor, and turning the other cheek...

They are reinterpreting the scriptures to suit the narrative they want to promote.

And yet people following such groups seem to have (conveniently) forgotten what the basis of said organization once was.

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