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"I don't know if god exists, but ..."

snytiger6 9 Sep 25

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Sounds like a Woody Allen joke ,but I think it’s pointless to criticize something that does not exist but it is not pointless to argue WHY it does not exist


Amen πŸ˜‡


Poor god. He created Lucifer who became his kryptonite and later they became buddies. They made bets together and then god also gave his friend bigger parts in the ongoing drama. People used to ask me how I thought it was going to play out. Don't get me to lying. πŸ™‚

Maybe we would like to hear your version of future events!? This could be interesting!! πŸ™πŸ˜‡πŸ™. Maybe even better than Star Wars!!!?!!πŸ€ πŸ˜ŽπŸ™ƒ

@Aaron70 Regardless of who they are, all I know for sure is that when others ask me "how I think it will play out" they are somehow believing the lie of holy books, gods, and religions. To ask that question they assume that I believe also.

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