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Kamala Harris Drops Bombshell on Mitch McConnell

nogod4me 8 Sep 26

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Killing the filibuster to protect abortion rights is a good start, but Kamala will have to go farther than that. She also needs to add at least 4 justices to the Supreme Court. Then the crazy recent ruling giving presidents immunity for all "official" acts can be reversed. Congress can deal with Citizens United by passing a new campaign finance law. (My preference would be restrict it to public financing only. Level the playing field. 86 the lobbyists.)


I am not against totally ending the Filibuster, but if we hare to have it, require it be the old kind where a person had to stand up there and continuously talk in order to hold the floor. It might also be good to have a requirement that the person with the floor stay on the topic of the bill or action being discussed.

I think the rules changed when we got C-SPAN, which allows the American people to view live what is happening in the congress and senate. I think those who wanted to hold the chamber hostage didn't want to actually be seen doing it, so they invented the silent filibuster where they no longer had to stand up and justify their opposition on the floor in full view of everyone.


Love the triple chin analogy. So many bad ideas have come from SCROTUS and Citizens United was one of the worst. I still remember when Obama chastised the court how they sat there looking like they were being insulted (Obama was a Constitutional expert). Kamala will have her hands full trying to remedy all the ills brought on this country by the power hungry and uncaring Republicans.Some Republican politicians are not running this term as they hate being pigeonholed into just party lackeys.


Can’t wait for this.

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