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I remember an art class when we studied the Psychology of Color

Here is an AI Overview of the Psychology of the Color Orange

The color orange can have negative connotations, including: 

Arrogance, pride, and impatience: Orange can evoke feelings of arrogance, pride, and impatience. 

Superficiality: Orange can bring to mind feelings of superficiality. 

Cold weather, melancholy, and death: Because orange is often seen in nature during the fall season, it may be associated with cold weather, melancholy, and even death. 

Anxiety or restlessness: Orange can be overwhelming if used in excess and may cause anxiety or restlessness in some people. 

Aggression, impulsiveness, and overstimulation: Orange can be associated with aggression, impulsiveness, and overstimulation. 

Potential danger: In the color-coded threat system established by the presidential order in March of 2002, orange means “high” and is a symbolic representation of potential danger. 

Untrustworthy: Orange is the opposite of blue, which is universally liked and feels trusted and safe. 

The bottom line is never trust an orange felon, rapist, fascist, dictator-wannabe. Oh, you should probably know that already.

nogod4me 8 Oct 3

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How about if one changes the name of the color. Here's a picture of our car. My late partner loved this color and it soon became her favorite color. People started giving her jackets, pillows and other items with this color. When we bought the car the dealer told her, gee m'aam, everybody loves this color, but few are brave enough to buy it. The color on the cars description is Habanero not orange. I think better yet, instead of an orange jump suit how about an orange strait jacket.


If prison guards don''t want men to have sex in prison. Why do they dress them up in orange?

Is orange a male "come fuck me signal"?


I can think of two airlines that use orange in their branding and aircraft livery.

EasyJet in the UK and Jetstar in Oceania.

Have you ever flown EasyJet?

@273kelvin Yes, many years ago.

It was a good flight. To Barcelona I recall.

I haven’t bothered to fly Jetstar.

I’ve also got an Orange mobile phone branded laptop bag….given to me by someone who worked for them. You remember that company?

@Zealandia I am not saying that it's an evil colour. I know many a living room that is orange and as a fruit juice it makes a lovely breakfast drink. As a skin tone however...?

@273kelvin It’s called Pumpkin isn’t it?

@Zealandia Yeah but I doubt if Trump is sincere enough for Charlie Browns Great Pumpkin in the sky!


and certain citrus varieties.


Also note: orange is not a primary color; it's a SECONDARY color, as in second-rate, second-string, second in a field of two,...🎃

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