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Naver before in American history have so many cabinet members, apolitical appointees and Whtie House staff members who served under a president now deem him unfit for office as do members of the Trump administration . Those ae he people who have seen him in action, heard his private words and real thoughts, and who know him best.

If you think that you know him better than they do, you are letting your own unfounded biases overrule your reasoning and judgement and making yourself a damned fool being played like a fiddle. In so doing, you are threatening the American people, constitutional democracy, and nation as a whole. You owe your children, your friends and neighbors, and fellow patriots of all stripes a damned sight better than that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get ahold of yourself and so what is right. Otherwise, you are failing us all. I fear for us all if you won’t do that.

wordywalt 9 Oct 14

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America’s founders did not want a monarchy, rule by one. They rebelled.

They could have given us a democracy, rule by a majority.

They did not; they gave us an oligarchy, rule by a few.

About 17 mostly western states, have the direct initiative. For state laws, their voters have democracy.


Vote blue. That's the way I see it. I WILL vote for 2 Republicans at my County Seat. One was my divorce judge and the other is a female judge who sent my son-in-law back to prison for 2 years. She should be commended. I'm in Missouri and we also have Amendment 3 that everyone is having a fit over. Voting yes on it would mean you think women should have control of their own bodies. So do I. If you listen to Trump he says people want to abort a child at 9 months and sometimes even after he is born. Maybe that last one should have applied to him years ago. Vote blue and save our Democracy and the future of our children.


I agree, the numbers of senior officials who are publicly stating that they DO NOT support DJT is heartening. I just home freak america is listening.


If the entrenched DNC minions put up a decent candidate by allowing a primary season, it would not be an issue. Most administration will run on their achievements for a second term.
What is destroying America is a system so corrupt a personality like Trump can get traction. Stop blaming every thing else under the Sun for your own flaws Democrats. If the DNC/ Clinton hacks had never interfered with the Sanders campaign, there never would have been a Trump. And if the Biden/ Harris admin had not literally set the world on fire, Trump would not be a viable choice. But keep blaming all others, it could never be your fault.
A second Trump term will not be because of idiot GOP supporters, it will be because of inept Democratic governance and processes.

puff Level 8 Oct 14, 2024

Redistributed. (With corrections.)

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