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“No one has ever been as dangerous to this country as Donald Trump,” retired Gen. Mark Milley said. “Now I realize he’s a total fascist."

"‘Infested,’ ‘Bloodbath, ‘Vermin’: A Guide to Trump’s Fascist Rhetoric"

"The US presidential election is neck and neck. But only one candidate has been compared to Adolf Hitler. Is it an exaggeration or based in fact?"

Trump Kept Hitler Speeches by His Bed, Resurfaced Ivana Interview Reveals

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 18

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The US presidential election is neck and neck. But only one candidate has been compared to Adolf Hitler. Is it an exaggeration or based in fact?"

Not fact, very hard to believe a US president didn't start any new wars. Compared to Hitlers World wars.

Trump owes me $10,000, so I give him plenty of free advertising that I don't like him. When comparing anyone to Hitler, we know it's hateful nonsense.

Trump has very much earned the comparisons to Hitler and Mussolini. Just listen to his rhetoric. He threatens a "bloodbath" if he is not re-elected. Refusing to acknowledge his electoral loss is a fascist tactic. The phrase "poisoning the blood of our country" is pure Hitler. The scapegoating of immigrants, lying about how bad the economy is, amping up fear and anger, talking about turning out the US military against US citizens, and claiming he alone can fix it? That classic Mussolini.

You might try actually reading the links before opining on the subject they discuss.

BTW, Biden did not start any new wars. He did get us out of our longest war ever, and he did it early in his first (and only) term. I think he deserves credit for that.


This propaganda isn't very effective. People have seen a presidency under Trump, and the economy was great and our border was becoming more secure. Under biden and Harris our economy tanked and is still tanking, and we let in immigrants and take care of them better than we do our own people.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 18, 2024

Tanking? 😂 Where have you been?

The stock market just hit its all-time high.

Inflation is under control and lower than in any other 1st-world country.

The number of jobs created under Biden is greater than under Trump.

New manufacturing plants are up and running or being built as we speak, including for strategically important semiconductors.

The infrastructure that only crumbled under Trump is getting rebuilt under Biden.


@Flyingsaucesir that link you shared isn't doing you any favors. 40% of new jobs after covid going to foreigners? That's crazy. An ape would have "job growth" after covid, remember millions of Americans being forced into staying home thus losing their jobs? Growth is from those people going back to work.

@Tejas Ok, I get it: you are against implementation of public health protocols while people are dropping like flies.

The manufacturing plant owners of Springfield, Ohio are glad to have their (legal) immigrant-Haitian employees. In fact, they couldn't stay open without them. (And btw, they're not "eating the pets of the people who live there," as Trump falsely claimed.)

Had a green salad lately? Who do you think picked the lettuce?


@Flyingsaucesir most likely an automated machine picked them like most modern farming. In Haiti it is common practice to eat cats so idk what you're talking about. I definitely wasn't and am not against taking measures to save lives during covid, my problem is with politicians using the aftermath of the pandemic to make their term seem better than it was.

@Tejas JD Vance basically admitted that the whole Haitians-eating-the-pets story was a fiction, invented for political purposes.

There are still lots of people (immigrants) working in the fields. Also in hotels, restaurants, transportation, warehouses, construction, etc., etc.

Trump's plan to round up and deport all the immigrants is the stupidest thing I have ever heard from a a presidential candidate.

A close second stupidest thing is Trump's proposed imposition of 20% tariffs on all goods imported into the USA. Economists agree it would tank the economy.

And Trump's absurd lie that foreign importers would pay the tariffs is just an insult to our intelligence. Tariffs simply do not work that way. It is American consumers who pay tariffs on goods imported into the USA.

@Flyingsaucesir I watched where he said that, that's not what he ment. On tariffs, they seem to be working well because even the dem party wants them to stay now. To your last point, you think deporting illegals is dumb? You are the only person who thinks so, every country on the planet deports illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants take jobs from the poorest Americans, its nice to know you care more about people from foreign nations rather than your own countrymen.

@Tejas unemployment is and has been at historic lows during Biden's term. Anybody who wants a job can find one.

@Tejas Of course we should deport immigrants who have committed serious crimes. But people who have demonstrated that they are law-abiding, tax-paying, productive members of society should have a pathway to citizenship.

A person who was brought here as a child, who grew up here, went to school here, speaks American English like any native-born citizen, should definitely be offered a pathway to citizenship. I'm referring to the"dreamers," of course.

At the same time, we should tightly control our borders. That is not an easy task. The Border Patrol could definitely use more resources and manpower. That's exactly what the Biden administration and Congress tried to give them. There was a bipartisan bill, the toughest in decades, that would have put 1,500 new Border Patrol agents in the field, and more immigration court judges on the bench to help clear the backlog of asylum claims, and Donald Trump scuttled the bill. He called up his lackeys in Congress and told them to tank the bill, because he wanted the issue to run on. He didn't want to solve the problem. He just wants to use it to whip up fear.

And Trump did nothing to actually solve the immigration problem while in office. That wall he said Mexico was going to pay for? It didn't get built.

You can't just issue executive orders; Congress has to act. The executive orders Trump did sign were perverse and punitive. Separating kids from their families? Putting them in cages? These actions do not reflect who we are as Americans. At least I hope they don't.

BTW, even if you were lucky enough to be born in the USA, you are still descended from immigrants.


Good set!! Thanks!!

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