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God is real because ...

snytiger6 9 Oct 23

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And that god's name is Koalemos!

I had to look it up and I agree.


I have some respect for religion and have some acceptance for religion. BUTT,...., just don't ever, ever ...ask me to understand religion, til the day I die.


That's really what it comes down to, for a lot of people.

Prove to me the government exists

You only have to glance down right now........


I can see, hear and feel government in my bank account.
Can't do any of that with a invisible Man

@Castlepaloma it could, if it was the catholic church back in the day, they forcefully collected tithes, then they changed the name to government and taxes

@Castlepaloma if that is proof of government , then it is proof of God lol


Government is real cuz i said so

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