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You know something is wrong with a religion when ...

snytiger6 9 Oct 24

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AND, apparently Christians never read the Old Testament wherein God forbids the worship of other gods and forbids the worship of idols. The NT tosses all that with a trinity of gods and adds in Mary for good measure, and puts a fictitious human being as a king and intercessor.


Would they wear an electric chair around their necks on a chain if Jesus had been killed a different way in more modern times? He had a bad weekend.


I’m not sure that the church would concur that it symbolizes love…..🤔

Yeah, kind of, because Jesus died for us, doncha know! 🙂

@Organist1 Therefore it’s a symbol of him being crucified….🤷🏻♂️

@Organist1 If anything it symbolizes the wearers commitment to their cult….🤨


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