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Yellowstone, fourth season. Beth Dutton is like the horrible, mutant offspring of a long-ago boss of mine—god, I hated the early 80s—to the hundredth power. With a touch of Luca Brasi. Utterly malignant and the biggest daddy's girl you could ever meet. Loves her father, her brother Kayce, and her lover Rip, hates her other brother Jamie; as for everybody else she doesn't hate them so much as she thinks they're a bunch of flies for her to swat, maybe torturing them first if she's got the time. She only respects people whose talent for Machiavellian skulduggery rivals her own. The only thing is, she's a lot smarter than the aforementioned devildaughter. Not to mention better looking. A conundrum: you could say it's for the best that Beth can't have children, because what kind of parent would such a malignant person be? But—and here the similarity breaks down—it's possible that her sterility is the cause of her malignancy in the first place.

Rip too has a touch of Luca Brasi in him in his absolute fealty to his boss, and his ruthlessness, but, again, he's smarter, smart enough to be a leader of men, and good looking in his macho/cowboy way, good looking enough and ruthless enough to make him interesting to Beth. I can't see Connie Corleone falling for Luca Brasi. Come to think of it, maybe you could analogize Rip to Al Neri: every bit as ruthless, and loyal to his patron, as Luca B., but smarter and more presentable. Rip would kill Jamie in a heartbeat if John Dutton told him to, but if Beth wants to take her time about destroying Jamie, doing it in stages, sadistically, like Stalin's great-granddaughter, so be it.

On a related note, I wonder what the average French waiter thinks about being called garcon, i.e. boy. I don't know, cattle wranglers are called cowboys, and I guess they don't mind. What are they going to do, insist on being called cowmen? The term cattleman, i.e. rancher, is already taken.

AlanCliffe 7 Oct 27

Enjoy being online again!

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No speaka dat language.


People have told me to watch this but so far I have seen none of it. I did see a series that came before it.

Worth a look, or more than a look, in my opinion. What's on display, along with the beautiful views, is a more-or-less-seamless continuity of business, crime, and politics, along with many ruthless but complex characters. And few if any of them are easy to either root for unreservedly or condemn unreservedly.


Having grown up on a farm, I understand the appeal to a story based around such a place. Specially in a beuatiful part of the country as that. It's just too much of your 'soap opera' type show for me. I watched a couple of episodes when I was sick with the flu and there wasn't anything else on really. Oh well... to each their own. 😊👍


I've only seen part of one episode. Is this what it looks like when the American Taliban take over an area?

I couldn't tell you.

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