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Colonizers Jesus ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 4

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It is amazing to me that the so called Christians are worshiping and paying the same power hungry greedy people that that convicted and hung jesus on the cross.

There is a "Christian prophecy" that says Jesus won't come back until the Jew rebuild their temple in Jerusalem. That so-called "prophecy" has permeated almost every Christian sect, and much of U.S. Israel policy is rooted in that prophecy.

Currently, on the temple site is a mosque, known as "The Dome of the Rock". Besides the fact that Jewish scholars rejected Mohamed as a prophet during his lifetime, the dispute over the site on which the Jewish temple once stood is a major cause for animosity between Jews and Muslims. Most Christian sects side with the Jews on the land dispute issue(s), because they want to create the conditions of the prophecy to rebuild the temple, so Jesus will come back, and they think their religion will be proven right beyond any doubt as a result.


Anyone else think CJs (Colonizer Jesus) chin looks like a pair of hairy nads…..😇

I didn't until you mentioned it. Now I can't unsee that.

@snytiger6 You’re welcome!!!☺️


Whether he was a Jew or a Christian, existed or not, he doesn't mean anything in my life


Yeah, modern day religious people and their logic... a desert man being blonde and with blue eyes...


From all my studies and just plain common sense this is what a Middle Eastern guy from 2,000 years ago would lokk like. Not the fine combed, light skinned, curly and well trimmed hair and beard. Can't really tell but it almost looks like the iconic Jesus even has blue eyes LOL. Also, most say this was 1500 years prior to the reformation and, as such new religions were almost non-existent. He was born a Jew and remained a Jew but like most he also had questions. BTW, one item we never hear (and which Christians bristle) was that he and all his followers were illiterate. There were no schools and paper (papyrus) was expensive and so were pens and the few literate people were mainly historians or scribes. Many of the Caesars couldn't even read or write.


When my kids was in grade school and asked what Jesus looked like, I told them he looked just like Snoop Dog…..😊


Good fun. Though I think that some of the attributes of the so called, historical Jesus, if such a thing existed, are just as questionable as the other.


Is colonizer Jesus modeled after Tab Hunter? I swear this pic of historical Jesus reminds me of a guy I used to work with at O'Reilly's and his name is Bennie.Sometimes his facial hair would be less but that is Bennie. Maybe he modeled on the side.

By tradition it is often said that the image of Jesus commonly used, is based on that of Cesare Borgia.
Well known gangster, murderer and illegitimate son of the pope.

Bennie sell weed by chance….🤔


Jesus didn't exist, but even you are a friend of the state


The same can be said for colonizer Jewish and historical Jewish. Same thing I suppose as JC is supposedly "King of the Jews". DNA test that area and I would think more chance many Palestinians are actually more Jewish heritage that many Israeli's.

puff Level 8 Nov 4, 2024

Certainly more Jewish than these Johnny come Latelies like Netanyahu & the other psycopathic criminals calling themselves Zionists who are in his government helping him cling to power.

Take a trip to "Why does Netanyahu not want ceasefire or peace at any price?" please & comment accordingly.

@Snytiger6 why the 😐 emoji but no comment. And also why do you keep posting all your anti religious post in General & Hello not the religious category?

That is what I'd guess


Wouldn't they have thrown him into a pit of fire for being a Christian back then over there? Or did they do that then? Also, "condemns sinners" should read that he only condemns sinners on the other side, never on theirs.

Jesus was not a Christian, They came many years later.


Colonizer Jesus would stick out like a sore thumb. I wonder what shampoo he uses.

He does have pretty nice hair for a time when they didn't have helpful things like conditioner.

Looks like a Prell gal...

The inreresting thing is who are worshipping? He clearly is not Jewish. Reddish hair, Blue eyes? Could he be a Norse God? They are so keen on war, perhaps he is Thor.

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