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Religious zealots are ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 16

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Because they believe in ancient conspiracy theories.


That's how the twatwaffle got elected again!

Only part of the problem was religion.... The rest was that fully half of the country is infested with gullible morons who can't think for themselves all they are capable of doing is sitting on their collective asses and letting pathetic pounces calling themselves "experts" tell them what to think... Of course all of them are little more than overpaid incompetents themselves...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz What I hear the most here is for the babies, Jesus wants us to save the babies! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

@michelle666gar Actually the American Arabs voted Trump to "save Gaza" and Trump's appointees want to give Gaza to Israel making it ma single state solution... Some of the most googled searches during the days after the election were.... "how can I change my vote?", "What is a tariff?" and "Was I duped?" and the single largest surge was "Am I stupid?"...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz 🤣🤣🤣

If you look at over all voter turnouts of 2020 vs 2024, although Trump got a million more over all votes, about 14 million fewer democrats turned out to vote, handing Trump the victory. It is true that a lot of those who didn't turn out to vote were making a "silent protest" over teh Biden/Harris policy on the Israel/Gaza war, as they didn't think they were being hard enough on Israel, but they ended up handing the election to Trump, who is willing to let all of Gaza be absorbed by Israel, which made their "silent protest" meaningless, self-defeating and pointless.

If you consider that the average IQ is supposed to be 100, and half the population scores lower than that, then yes, about half the population is pretty darn stupid. If you add in people who are a bit more intelligent than average, but have no or little critical thinking skills, than you have up to two thirds of the country that can be manipulated to vote against their own best interests.

@snytiger6 These silent protest's hurt, but I think there's more to this than what you mentioned. The religious people really think he's coming to save the U.S.

Plus people voted for him because they just want to be entertained, many different factors.


We are trained from birth to accept authority. From parents/guardians, education institutions, our social groups, professions, and governments. Religious authority was a shoe-in.

Betty Level 8 Nov 16, 2024

Except that some of us, including me, fortunately, rebel against all that authority. Despite being raised Catholic by a father who was a judge, I was intelligent and courageous enough to begin rebelling against authority, in a non self destructive, but conscious way, once I got to college. I didn't dress the part of the rebel, but I acted it in my thinking and what I said to people about how I saw things. Most people are simply sheeple, who desperately want to fit in, be liked and popular, and never deal with, much less initiate, conflict with others.. Thus, it's not surprising they have no moral courage, when they face situations where there is clearly bad things going on in the society, and people of conscience need to speak up, and risk consequences, in order to prevent worse things from happening later to the society..

@TomMcGiverin Good on ya! I rebeled against early on also. Mostly to avoid hurt feelings, my twin would be little me and teachers liked to pit us against each other. I day dreamed a lot. Even putting us in separate classes did not help. Many things made no sense to me. Church especially and I quit going when I was about 12. By 8th grade I cut class but because there was no where to go I got caught. The teen years were not so much fun but sheer rebellion and I am amazed nothing bad ever happened to me. Ah well, at 71 watching the truly stupid give over Democracy to people like Elon Musk is very sad.

And my latest post to World Music a new song on a very topical subject composed by American David Rovics has just been given the great wall of death link to the community standards page. The post of Rovics song "Amsterdam" commences with a striking first verse -
"The genocide had been going for over a year
When Maccabi Tel Aviv’s supporters flew here
In their thousands they came, in their typical style
Chanting racist bile
“There are no schools in Gaza cuz we killed all the kids”
Did the hooligans chant that? Indeed, they did
In the center of town they went on the offense
If people respond, that might make sense
Unless the thugs are Jewish, then truth's on the lam
In Amsterdam" David Rovics
You can read the remainder of his excellent lyrics on his substack link below.

As he states "Pretty much the entire mainstream western media completely distorted what actually went on, unlike this song."

Enjoy -



When I was a young teen and got doped into believing all this religious nonsense and now it is easy to see how it was all grooming. An example from today is that I had an old man and his grandson at my door and the old man is passing out Baptist literature. I declined and said I no longer go to any church and I see none of that changing in the future. The old man introduced me to his grandson, Malachi. We each said hello. Isn't that such a common American name, Malachi? Imagine him at 20 and maybe known as Mal, Lach, Chi, Molock. If I was him I would be known as Molock and tell everyone my parents loved that movie "The Time Machine."


Yep, if you want gullible, look for the nearest church, especially Catholic.

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