That's how the twatwaffle got elected again!
Only part of the problem was religion.... The rest was that fully half of the country is infested with gullible morons who can't think for themselves all they are capable of doing is sitting on their collective asses and letting pathetic pounces calling themselves "experts" tell them what to think... Of course all of them are little more than overpaid incompetents themselves...
@Lizard_of_Ahaz What I hear the most here is for the babies, Jesus wants us to save the babies!
@michelle666gar Actually the American Arabs voted Trump to "save Gaza" and Trump's appointees want to give Gaza to Israel making it ma single state solution... Some of the most googled searches during the days after the election were.... "how can I change my vote?", "What is a tariff?" and "Was I duped?" and the single largest surge was "Am I stupid?"...
When I was a young teen and got doped into believing all this religious nonsense and now it is easy to see how it was all grooming. An example from today is that I had an old man and his grandson at my door and the old man is passing out Baptist literature. I declined and said I no longer go to any church and I see none of that changing in the future. The old man introduced me to his grandson, Malachi. We each said hello. Isn't that such a common American name, Malachi? Imagine him at 20 and maybe known as Mal, Lach, Chi, Molock. If I was him I would be known as Molock and tell everyone my parents loved that movie "The Time Machine."
Yep, if you want gullible, look for the nearest church, especially Catholic.