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Sweden's 80% atheist ...

snytiger6 9 Nov 19

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Yet they still have a god, interesting. Go spend a week there, and see. It would drive you batshit crazy in a month lol. Dont get me wrong, good stuff too


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How many support the Ukrainian & Russian genocide of the last 1000 days & ten years respectively?

Or the Palestinian genocide called out recently by a Knesset member: -

A wonderful Member of Knesset,Ayman Odeh, 2 days ago confronted Netanyahu on the floor of the Knesset. He told a harrowing story & accused Netanyahu of being "A serial killer of peace" & shamed his fellow members. He was then ordered & dragged from the podium. This is the genocide being undertaken on behalf of the USA.Fact: On 10th August after a difficult C section Dr Jumana Arafa gave birth to a boy & a girl, Aser & Aseel. The twin's father 32 year old Muhamed Abu al-Qumran reported that he & his wife were overjoyed at the birth of their firstborn. Twp days later on the 12th August Mr al-Quman picked up the babies birth certificates. He then received message that the apartment that they all lived in had been bombed by the IDF, Israeli Destruction Forces. Consequently a few hours later he collected their death certificates.

Aymeh Odeh consequently called Netanyahu " for 30 years a serial killer of peace" and called on his fellow members to be haunted for the rest of their days with the souls of the 17,385 babies killed in Gaza, 815 under the age of one. He also reported another 35,055 babies orphaned. He was then dragged from the seat of government.

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Note the faces of the psychopath Netanyahu & his right hand man in the screenshot.


And they have awesome meatballs!!!😋


This was not apparent for a long time before the laws were changed and people were finally allowed to opt-out of being considered members of the state church which was forced on them to be registered as members at birth... This began during the protestant reformation mandating the Lutheran religion as the sate religion. In 1860 people were finally allowed to leave the state sponsored religion to join another religion of their choice but it wasn't until 1951 people were allowed to opt-out of religion entirely...
Today the non-religious is slightly under half what the meme claims but Sweden is still the most progressive country in the world where religion is concerned (my opinion...).



Another interesting statistic is, most inmates in the American prison system are Protestant Christians only 0.07 inmates are atheists.

Are the supporters of the Trump inspired riot of nearly 4 years ago still in gaol? How much of your 99.93 % are Trumpians & how many are black muslims?


Besides being non religious, their other big advantages, in having unity among their people across class lines and with strong support for liberal economic policies, is that they are very homogeneous in race, language, and ethnicity, so their upper classes are not able to divide them as easily as in the US. With greater security, in jobs and economic situation for the citizens, there is also less poverty and stress for the people, and thus less crime.

They have socialist economic policies rather than liberal ones. I wonder how many of the 20% are recent migrants eg since the fall of Libya?
Most nations are homogeneous. The American experiment introduced us to a melting pot of humanity and Australia has followed, as has Europe since NATO destroyed Libya. You will find most populations in Asia, Africa and Sth America remain largely homogeneous though.

"They have socialist economic policies rather than liberal ones."
Wrong as usual....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Your president just declared war on Russia with his massive mandate from the election. I'm wondering how Russia will respond. Leaning towards satellites or going horizontal eg supplying the means and technology and targeting info so the Houthi' or another friendly proxy can take out an aircraft carrier. What happens when US missiles target Russia. Genocide Joe.

WTF is a liberal policy? A social one is where all are treated equally and the state will care for the most vulnerable eg a safety net.

@puff Listening to that twat Putin again I see.... Putin is standing on the ledge waiting fearfully for that final push that will end with him splattering all over the sidewalk.... That is why he is screaming like a chicken being plucked alive. He knows the end is near and he doesn't see a way out...

@puff Russia is losing everything and is humiliating Trump which will make him stubborn all because Putin thought his shit didn't stink... Even if North Korea sends 100,000 troops this war can end only one way... Russia will lose and Putin will get a closed coffin funeral and be forgotten forever in the near future by all of Russia because they will be struggling to survive the after effects of his war on their economy.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I hope you're right, but I won't hold my breath..

@TomMcGiverin Without equipment (or the ability to manufacture or purchase it) or the means to transport ammunition, food, supplies and manpower Russia is completely helpless and that is coming sooner than you might think. The Russian rail roads are almost ready to collapse for lack of parts or manpower to maintain and operate them it has become so bad that they are transporting empty carriages by truck and Russia depends on their rail roads to transport men and equipment to the frontlines as well as goods to markets in Moscow and Saint Petersburg.. Russia has only one year round port for shipping and without those trains both of those cities will starve soon. They are already on the verge of starvation as is.
People in Moscow stand in line for hours to buy 100 grams of butter (about 3 1/3 ounces about 1 stick) at higher prices that we pay for a full pound here in the US... They are also well aware that tomorrow it will likely cost them even more with their 30%+ inflation rate...


Wouldn't that be wonderful? 80% atheist! I'm curious as to the they keep a very low profile?

They’re the ones in the bars!!🤠

No need, they just do their thing and the others do theirs. Religion doesn’t define them..they’re just Swedish citizens with all the rights that every other Swedish citizens have. They can follow or not follow whatever religion they decide to.

@Marionville That's how it works, if all the citizens are given the same benefits, rights, and privileges, without regard to race, religion or ethnicity, and all have access to good jobs and healthcare, etc., there is no reason for people to be resentful, jealous and bitter about other groups getting the things they feel they have been wrongly denied, and thus the upper classes can't divide them the way they do in the US, with bullshit culture war issues in elections to prevent the lower classes from uniting and voting in their class interest against the ruling class. Of course, they also don't have a plutocracy in their politics, where the ruling class owns both of the two major parties, as well as the mass media. Their elections are based on policy and ideas, rather than on only the parties with the most money getting all the mass media coverage and being the only competitive candidates in national elections. The media and campaign money situation there make a huge difference as well, compared to the US.

We have the most expensive and corrupt political system, esp. at the national level, that money can buy..

@TomMcGiverin It’s prett6 much the same as Sweden in most western countries, here in the UK for instance. I’m afraid the USA is the exception.

@Marionville The are "exceptional" after all.

@Marionville Did you notice how puff and lizard both chose to just talk past me, instead of actually addressing my comments directly and replying to me? Amusing that they are so either arrogant or afraid of engaging me, that they won't engage me directly...

@Marionville, @puff Yes, American exceptionalism is both bullshit and exasperating at the same time, for Americans like me, not just the rest of the world..

@TomMcGiverin This bloody site, writing the second time. Why should I respond to you as the non original commentator? My only response being a smart arse one liner.
No one thinks USA democracy is the way to go, far too corruptible, just look at AIPAC and Israel..
I've said before, we now have the AI/ robotics/ renewable energy to satisfy human needs now, leaving only wants. As long as people are fed and watered, housed, have security and medical then all else is wants not needs. AI run govt can do this, don't need politicians.
Great talking about equality but not all are born equal. Some will always achieve more than others which fits in with natural selection. Be it better logical intelligence, emotional intelligence or their sensors work better eg some see/ hear better than others. There comes a low point where it is unacceptable to society so you create safety nets for these people. Socialism. But to do this a government must control their income eg exploiting resources. Not let foreign capitalists do it for them.

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